Just out of ceriostity, im wondering how many people you have converted to yoyo? Ill start, i converted about 5 people, my little brother, 3 friends, and a little kid in my neighborhood who thinks im sweet, and will not leave me alone. I dont mean to be a jerk, but does anyone (that has had experiences with this) have any advise on how to fix this?
Be mean to him? No, I don’t know haha, little kids always do this. My little cousin won’t leave me alone, it’s just because you’re older, you seem god-like to them.
I have converted a grand total of…TWO!
Mah best friend (tland, fillen3 (they’re the same person))
And a cool kid on my block…Nolan.
I bring my yo-yo everywhere. Seriously, you can not find me without a yo-yo. I have no idea how many people I have influenced to become a yo-yoer. It’s alot though.
I’m the same as him except for the number of people I’ve converted. I bring my yo-yo everywhere, but so far, only 2-3 of my friends at school are into yo-yoing. I have converted 2 adults as far as I know. I’m not sure if they’re yo-yoing now, though.
Depends how serious you mean. A couple people stole my yoyos (well just borrowed but whatever =P) and were using them before we started Calc today, so that’s 5-ish people that actually tried. Umm a teacher last year, a couple of friends. Yoyo club starting on Monday and several people there…So I could say quite a few I guess. (Hope that I can keep 10 people in this yoyo club :D)
It just is what it is. Kids look up to older people, period. I will admit that it can sometimes be annoying, but this is way I think of it: I am 22 years old. I have never done drugs. I have never smoked a cigarette. I can either be nice to these kids, show them how far the right path can get them, or you can ignore them and have no influence on their life. I prefer showing kids that people take an interest in their future.
1 that got a yoyo, another 1 who found an imperial around their house but doesn’t throw because his throw just bounces, and a bunch of people who want a yoyo.