How is the OG Peak white?

I don’t know much about anodization or any of the special terms for finishes and blasts, but I have heard that it is next to impossible to anodize a metal throw white because the raw aluminum will always show through. Excuse my ignorance, I don’t know much about the OG Peak either, but I have noticed that they are white with blue mountain tops…What type of finish is this that makes white possible? Or is the OG Peak made of a different type of material than the average aluminum?

I hope this doesn’t sound too stupid, but I’m just really curious. ::slight_smile:

It was airbrushed.

It’s white paint, not ano.

And yes it is next to impossible to get ‘white’ via anodization. Any non-painted, non powder coated, aluminum yoyo that looks like it might be white is either sodablasted or color corrected via image processing.

Very carefully