How important is the weight of a yoyo

I don’t think it’s a brand issue, sounds like the store just has the wrong specs.


If the store told him there is a margin of error spanning eight grams, then either there’s a serious miscommunication happening or someone at the store is making up excuses. I’d be interested to see the email from the store, perhaps it was a simple matter of misunderstanding or poor wording if the Shutter is the throw in question.


Didnt this happen with the 2022 Nationals Freehand One or did the retail websites just not display that it was lighter?

the store likely had incorrect specs listed, and then gave you some absolutely bogus information.

not even hand turned wooden yoyos will have +/- 4g tolerances.

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Only 1g of weight can change the feeling of the yoyo dramatically.
Difference of 4g is totally insane
If I were you, I would immediately say to the store where you bought it🤣

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Whoever told you that in a specific yo-yo bottle that the weight can vary by as much as 4 g?

That person can be found behind the barn after the horses have digested their hay.

I have been at this for decades now. I don’t ever remember anybody saying that if I get one of their yo-yos it might vary by 4 g plus or minus.

I mean, let’s look at this logically. Which is usually the best first option to take. OK let’s say you’re looking at yo-yo specs whatever yo-yo it is. Whatever shape. Mono metal, bi-metal, tri-metal or magical, Quadra, metal soaked in happy dust…… no matter.

OK… So you read the specs on the weight and it says 63. Based on what whoever it was told you that means a yo-yo you get could weigh as much as 67 or as little is 59.

If a seller specked out a yo-yo at 63 g, and sent you a yo-yo that weighed 59 or 67 that would be nuttier than a fruitcake.

My personal opinion, which nobody else might have based on decades of fiddling around with this stuff is real simple. Regardless of whether it’s a Monometal, bi-metal, tri-metal, whatever. If the weight is effectively distributed, I would say anywhere from 62 to 69 would be the ideal range. 69 Gram yoyo with excellent weight distribution would probably not be too fast, but it would be very powerful and help you pace longer combos… as you lock in your tricks you can always move to a slightly lighter yo-yo, and crank up the speed.

If you had a yo-yo meet, and you’re passing, yo-yos, back-and-forth with your friends, You might tell your friends I don’t like heavy yo-yos I never did, and I never deliberately buy a heavy yo-yo. And you will try a yo-yo that you fall in love with in five minutes. Oh my god this thing is the best. One of the guys has a scale. You wanna know exactly how much this sucker weighs. And it weighs almost 70 g and you are shocked. And you realize you can throw a heavier yo-yo if it’s designed properly and you can deal with the weight.

You Try a bi-metal yo-yo that’s faster than you can move. You have to try to keep up with it. And it feels powerful but slightly heavy on the string… you put it on the scale and it weighs 63 1/2 g. And again you were shocked. But the weight was put in just the right places to give a certain dynamic.

Everybody can’t buy every yo-yo. So most people especially if they’re on a real tight budget, they are gonna look at the specs very very carefully and at least try to get a yo-yo based on what they feel is how much they want to weigh.

Yoyos Should be less than 1 g variation. Even if the batch is 100 yo-yos. That’s what quality control is all about. Not only throwing them around, but weighing each yo-yo to make sure that it matches the description in the specs.

What’s the use of even providing specs, if the yo-yo isn’t going to match the specs?


Just read this super interesting and informative conversation but the ending sucked @ChroX what Yoyo was it?

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