How do you pronounce "PHENOMizm"?

Sure. :wink:


Some people just don’t get it… And you are from that particular Village.

Some people ‘like you for instance’(note; this isn’t the first time you have come into a thread, to respond to something I have posted about). I seem to be a Sh.t magnet for boo birds that want to disagree with me so bad, it’s as if they deliberately don’t bother considering simple things,‘like the facts’, and just rush in to prove their conclusions are based on baseless deductions.

You, Topo, are a perfect example of this condition.

You straight out distort what I say/said, and ‘you’ make an argument created from your twisting my statements into non truths, you postulate as relevant.

You state that,‘based on my argument, any name has only one correct pronunciation, that, the one being used by the name giver’.

My Reality based statements, specifically identified, to focus only on Mickeys’ name for Mickeys’ yoyo, named by Mickey. I never said anything would/should alter any or every other word pronunciation in the English language. I never even hinted that every other way to say any other word in the Dictionary should be affected. That was purely extracted from your Smokestack. You beta cut back on da beans, homie.

Let me run this by you one more time… Please pretend to grasp this reality and you will have one less puzzle in life to deal with>>

Mickey helped design his Phenom yoyo. Mickey picked ‘Phenom’ as the name for the yoyo. Mickey says the name of the yoyo is,‘Fih-nomm’. <<>> that was his choice of name and pronunciation. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with any other functioning word used in any language on Earth. Period.

I never even hinted that every word only has one correct pronunciation.

Your fabricated assertion weakly attempts to misalign my contentions.

Anybody on Earth is completely Free to say Phenom any way they choose.

Anybody on Earth is completely Free to say any word, in any way they choose, based on whatever explanation they can come up with: either from a textbook, Dictionary or Internet search engine.

But when the smoke clears … Mickey has a signature yoyo, he named the Phenom; pronounced,‘Fih-nomm’.

… If Steve(rip) Jobs would have told Everybody that the name of his Company was to be pronounced,’ Ahh-pull’, even though We All Know it is spelled ‘Apple’ and Apple is pronounced ‘Apple’; would you(Topo) argue with him?

Would you tell him straight to his face,'Uh, sorry to tell you this, Mr. Jobs, but if you are going to use that spelling, you are going to have to call your Company ‘Apple’ like the fruit, not Ahh-pull. Mr. jobs, you have to use the correct pronunciation.

If he pronounced it, ‘Ahh-pull’, then Ahh-pull it is.

And why do I even care how Mazda is pronounced?

Topo, if you want to be a hunter, you need to start with somebody lower on the food chain.

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Well there’s certainly one thing we can agree on.

Obviously they keep you in Kazakhstan so the National intelligence level will stay low enough for the Country to qualify for international Government Subsidies. Keep doing your part. Your Country needs you.

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At this point, we’re down to debating what is grammatically correct, linguistically correct and then trying to line it up with what mispronunciation we want to accept as being “De-facto”.

In the end, it really doesn’t matter in this case. We’re not really dealing with a tonal language where a simple mispronunciation could cause big issues. We’re also dealing with an individual(Mickey) who is making do the best he can with a language that clearly isn’t his native tongue and learned later in life… We also get to deal wtih “accent issues” and the simple lack of being forced to use the language on a daily basis.

In the end, if we understand what the other person is saying, we’ve had successful communication.

yoyodoc, it ain’t worth it. Walk away. Those who wanted to get it by now, they got it. The rest, it ain’t worth the effort. As valiant as it was, at some point, you have to realize that with some people, this is going to be about as productive as having a conversation with a bag of rocks.

For the record, I am saying the “Phenom” is “fee-nom”.
The Phenomism is “feh-nom-ism”

Right or wrong, a crap I give not. That’s what I’m saying and I’m sticking with it. As long as people understand me and I can understand them, then it’s good enough.

Just for that, I think I will ensure I take my 2 Phenoms and my Phenomizm with me to Nationals just to annoy people who may be reading this thread. This ain’t a bad thing, these are some of my favorites anyways. Then again, I’m just as likely to forget.

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Keep those personal attacks coming kid. They only make your argument stronger.


From my first post to to this fourth page. You guys crack me up.

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Sheesh! I dropped out of this topic after a little over a page. Just now saw it is on page 4!