Does anyone know how to mod a yo-yo that is ball bearing so that it sleeps much longer. I know there is a way I just would like a detailed guide or video. If you put up a video please make sure it has commentary so that I understand what is going on in it.
This works with any Duncan yo-yo(assuming that’s the kind of yo-yo you have). Basically, all you have to do is unscrew the caps off both yo-yo halves and put an even amount of sticky tack or clay or something similar to both halves. I did this to my Speed Beetle by using playing cards as weight. Improved spin time and made it less responsive.
As mrcnja said, it depends on what yo-yo you have. Different mods can be done to different yo-yos.
well i have the speed beetle, but what im curious about is how you would use playing cards to make the sleep time longer, or well atleast add weight, cause i mean i would have never thought of that, i just dont know how