How do you keep track of new releases

Always seem to miss anything that comes out. How do you keep track of new yo-yo releases?


Instagram via direct company posts, facebook (far distant), discord channels for respective company, here.


There’s a few ways. The BEST way is to follow the yoyo companies you’re interested in on Instagram. You’ll know what’s coming, when it’s coming and where it’s dropping. There are also a few Instagram accounts like @Bindmagazine and @theyonews you could follow to keep track of all the new releases.

The next way is to keep track here on the forums, there’s an entire section dedicated to what is dropping on the store. And @evildipper ninja’d me just now (lmao) but he brings up a good point… Discord. If you’re following some companies on Discord, you get a HUGE heads up/advantage on knowing what’s OTW via a company’s respective Discord server.

Also IDK if you’re a OD guy like me or not, but OD always posts new releases before they’re even announced on their Flickr account. But shhh, don’t tell anyone. :joy:


I follow OD on Flickr, and watch the forums here.

Instagram instabanned me for no reason right after I created an account (a fact that I whine about every chance I get if you haven’t noticed, LOL) so that’s not an option for me.


I keep the YYE “New Releases” window open and refresh it every few days along with following the makers/companies here and on other above-mentioned social media. Then for something I really want to make sure I get, I put it in my calendar with multiple alerts. And now you understand why I get this a lot from my wife: :roll_eyes:


I find it’s simpler to miss the new releases and just pay extra for everyone’s leftovers and B-Grades. You never get what you want, get to beg for lower prices from friends, and miss out on everything cool.

It’s pretty much the best way…

Or not. :rofl:


Instagram and a far distant second is the YYS and YYE new release pages.

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Every few days? Dont lie ;). Its every few minutes haha

I always post DD drops a few days in advance on my instagram


Instagram is the easiest for me. New Releases pages somewhat as well.

I dont lmao i dont have that kind of money


You’ve probably got your method down, but if you’re interested in a more efficient way of doing this, you can go to the YoYoExpert Releases and Restocks category and set it to “Watching First Post”. Then you’ll be notified (via regular Discourse notifications or a browser notification if you have those set up) whenever a new topic is created in that category, i.e. when YoYoExpert has a new release or restock. If you have emails set up for Discourse, you’ll also get an email for it.


Thanks for this tip! And of course I have browser notifications on! :slight_smile:

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I had no idea one could do this.


Way more polite than elbowing your way to the front of the rabble.

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Back when I did try to keep track out of fear of missing a coveted drop, I was all over this site and Instagram especially. And yoyo companies’ sites. And a bit of Facebook. Honestly, trying to keep up on releases was a part of the yoyo fatigue that got me.

Now I mainly just throw and venture onto here much less than I used to. My Instagram is gone. I don’t visit bunches of throw companies’ sites. I miss tons of drops now, and I’m honestly good with it. Just occasional BST pick-ups and the rare new release from a friend… I’m much happier this way than I was when I was doing the grind.


Thanks for that. I only found out about unresponsive about a year ago and I’ve been on the new release train ever since. I think the motivation is to feel like I know what’s going on, but the volume/expense is a little overwhelming/embarrassing. I was thinking about posting a topic asking people who’ve been around for more than a few years and maybe drifted in and out of the “eyes on every release” mode to what it looks like with more perspective. I don’t think I’d miss knowing what every post about every release said or even what every release looks like, but at the moment at least, it feels like enjoyment. Just hope it’s not mostly addictive/compulsive brain chemistry at work that I’ll look back and wonder about (i.e. regret) later.


I’m in pretty much the same boat, but I couldn’t come up with the words. This describes it perfectly.

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In my parents’ generation, buying a sports car or motorcycle at my age would be joked about as a mid-life crisis. I’ve been wondering if this is that sort of thing for me. I’m sure driving a Ninja or Corvette etc is as much fun for some people as landing a new trick is for me, and even with five or more (?) titanium yoyos, I haven’t spent as much as either, but still…it sometimes feels a little unhealthy. And yes, obviously…“first world problems” but worth thinking about for me at least.