How do YOU convince YOUR family to take you to Yo-Yo contests? | HELP go 2 SER.

^ I like your style. :wink:

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The real question is does she like to drive across the country for a yoyo contest?

Thanks. At least one person does :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats the hard part…

Take a bus

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Or a taxi. Or perhaps a train. That will be fun.

Might as well just walk there. You get good exercise, get to see the country, and you get to go to the yoyo contest.

YES!! I am going to walk there :slight_smile:

Juggle machetes in the living room while your folks are trying to watch TV. Talk out loud saying your entire future hinges on competing at the Yoyo Contest. Throw yourself on the ground every 10 minutes or so. And then run out of the room crying. Tell your parents they owe you because you are special. And going to the Contest will make you relax and help you keep your promise to yourself to never kill again.