How do I make yoyos responsive?

With out using thick lube. Thanks

By searching the forum. Mainly, if you don’t want to use lube you double loop the bearing and make sure the gap is tightened all the way.

Double looping:

I know about double looping, I just don’t want to sacrifice spin time. I’m starting 3a.

double looping will sacrifice spin time from arond 2-5 seconds but if you dont want double looping or thick lube jst practice binding with your weaker hand.

what yoyos are you using?

Really. I wouldn’t say that if you can’t show it.

Honestly, I would say your best bet would be to just learn to do a bit of binding with your nondominant hand. If nothing else, you’ll get some better control with that hand.

i tried it once and tried to throw at the same strenght and the spin time barely made a difference and the string still stays centered most of the time

I dont beleive you. W/o double looping I got a 5 minute sleep time and w/ double looping I got 2 and a half minutes.

If you want to make the yoyo responsive, you have to sacrifice some spin time, whether using thin lube or double looping.

You want your yoyo to be responsive wihtout lube or double wrapping? Well there’s only one choice left, stack response. Stack pads so they really rub against the string.

Addment: response will affect sleep time, no really good way to get around it.

There is one way that you can make it responsive without losing much spin time, you can try to make the string tension very tight, so when you tug it up, it would snag and go back up to your hand.

I dont beleive you. W/o double looping I got a 5 minute sleep time and w/ double looping I got 2 and a half minutes.
Um, 2 and a half minutes is fine for now…

Way to fail on the quoting there. :stuck_out_tongue:

He was just showing that it reduces sleep time.