I always liked the yoyo since I could talk.
My Dad would always use his yoyo to show me rock the baby and I would always be amazed.
I would toss the yoyo around and almost start crying in frustration.
Then one day, when I was 6 years old, we went to Hawaii and we came across the Hawaii State yoyo contest 1998.
I was going crazy watching all the skill and I begged my dad for a yoyo of my own.
I told him: Dad! If you get me a yoyo like them, I will be good too!
So he got me a hyper russel and I ended up learing how to do the gravity pull 
I was really into it from then on up untill 2002 when my Piano teacher forced me to stop yoyoing, she said it caused my wrist to not be able to sit on the keys as well and I had to stop.
Then in 2003, I went to Lahaina cannery mall in Lahaina Maui and I came across a store that sold many yoyos.
I bought some stuff there, Minimotrixx, and two cool color raiders for 2A.
I got back into it, I quit piano.
From then, I started going to contest. I liked the contest but I was too scared to compete, in 2005, I finally went up on stage at Nationals 2005, and from then on, competing became a normal thing to do.
Its been fun!
I am glad I came across those two places in Hawaii.
If I hadnt been at Hawaii States, I would have never seen better yoyo skill possibly.
And if I hadnt come across the store in Lahaina with all the new yoyos, I would maybe be a Piano prodigy 
But I dont think I would have liked that. 