What's your story?

How did you get started with yoyoing? What was your first yoyo? What made you want to keep yoyoing and learn tricks? How long have you been yoyoing for?

I got started yoyoing when i saw a duncan butterfly at walgreens and i was like what the hell? Yoyos are fun so i got and did the gravity pull and all them basic tricks. I wanted to keep yoyoing beacuse it was something that was fun and after watching a couple videos on yoututbe of people doing tricks, i wanted to learn tricks and be good at it. So i have been yoying for about a year now and i don’t ever plan on quiting :slight_smile:

I got started after i seen someone from my school doing tricks with his yoyo. i thought it looked really cool so i looked at some tricks on youtube, and i had never seen yoyoing like this. so after seeing what could be done with a yoyo, i ended up buying a yomega hotshot off the internet. learned the tricks up until the middle of the advanced section, then got a dark magic 2 for christmas and ive moved up to the expert section with it. ive been yoyoing for about 6 months now and i still think its as awesome as when i first seen it back then

I used to think that you could NEVER justify paying $115 dollars for a piece of aluminum. My brother REALLY wanted to learn yoyo tricks, so he bought his first yoyo; a Yomega Raider from Walmart. After doing some research, my brother, my cousin and my dad went to the Edmonton Yoyo Club to go buy some CLYW’s. Then, after they returned, my siblings were showing off their new yoyos. Then, my dad strolled over and passed me my first yoyo, a CLYW Gnarwhal. CLYW has a special place in my heart for the first yoyo I have ever owned.

Afterwards, my siblings started to teach me some yoyo tricks; all from the beginner section. I was so frustrated, although I kept trying.

Fast-forward two months, I’m at the Expert Part 2 Section with about 250 hours of experience with my yoyo. I decided I needed a new beast on a string. So, I went and I spent $80 on a CLYW Avalanche.

Right now, this is where I am at. Y’know, yoyoexpert should have a Success Stories Section on the forums.

I 1st started yoyo-ing when in middle school, my 1st yoyo was a purple FAST201 (which i thought was a blue one cuz im color blind…) after like 7th grade tho i dropped yoyoing until my freshman year, where i brushed up on my old skills, but then put the yoyo away again, and so, now (during my senior year) i have bought a new FAST201 (which is actually blue now, lol)(because my old yoyo-s bearing was pretty much done and the starburst system had some pegs missing) and have began learning better tricks

so ive been off and on for 5 years

Well, I used to be a guitarist. I was walking through Wal-Mart and saw a Duncan Butterfly. Upon seeing this, my thoughts went to “Hey, this would be a nice thing to keep my picking hand strong.” I then remembered seeing my cousin do tricks like rock the baby, so I Googled “YoYo Tricks” which brought me here. I began learning the tricks from this site ASAP.

As far as wanting to stay in the game? That can be attributed to the people. The people of yoyoing are what make me love it more and more. But for me, it is narrowed down to three in particular. Brain, Mamonga, and Jacob. I met Brain when I first started out, and he was really a mentor to me. I haven’t met him, but I really hope to someday. He’s the guy who told me it was okay to do my own thing, and I’m sure I annoyed the heck out of him when I was starting. Still do, in fact. Mamonga is the guy who kept me competitive. we were both at about the same level when we met, so I decided I HAD to beat this guy. I just HAD to. So every time he’d learn something new on the YYE list, i had to try and learn IT along with the two other tricks ahead of it. If it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t of bothered to do any learning as far as tricks go. And that leads me to Jake. My best friend. it is one thing to know a yoyoer, but to be taken in by their family is a whole different experience. I have traveled about 200 miles on two seperate occasions to stay with him and his family. This is where I really love what I do. Staying up until the wee hours of the morning swapping tricks, just a truly amazing time. To have met such a close friend by a matter of circumstances is really quite amazing.

I have been yoyoing for about a year and 3 months.

When I was in middle school everyone had a yoyo. I had a yomega firestorm with the transaxle. I couldn’t really do anything but rock the cradle etc. When I got into high school it hit the closet and I never played with it again til years later.
About six months ago I was digging around and found my old firestorm. I played with it a little and the next day at Walmart bought a duncan mosquito. A friend of mine was coming over that had never been to my apartment so i was waiting out by the road. I was playing with my yoyo killing time and he showed up and told me he used to yoyo when he was younger. He told me he once got 12th in worlds and I told him no way and handed him the mosquito. Of course he busted out some nice stuff which sparked my interested in yoyos big time.
About a week later he came back over and he had bought a protostar because he said John Ando was a friend. He showed me how to bind and how to do a trapeze and breakaway and I took off. I went and bought a Metal Drifter and logged onto yoyoexpert.com. Unfortunately my friend moved away so I don’t have anyone to yoyo with but now I’m alot better and feel confident enough to teach. Landing kwijibo made me buy my first good yoyo, the protostar. I played on the protostar for about 2 months and decided it was time for some metal. I bought myself a Dv888 and I’m into yoyoing more than ever. Got my first more expensive throw in the mail as I type this and I can’t wait. Jazz-yo Regulus and a YYF Boss. I guess i’ve been throwing for about 6-7 months as of now.

My name is Justin Crosswhite and I’m a addict.

I got a variflex yo-yo in my stocking for Christmas about 10 years ago. It came with a video by Steve Brown showing how to do some tricks. I blew threw those tricks in no time. (and wow was it tough to land a consistent trapeze with that Variflex throw)
I kept throwing on and off for the past 10 years. Recently I was getting warmed up for a basketball game and guy on the sideline had a yo-yo. I went over and talked with him for a second. He said he just bought it…it was a Metal Drifter. I was blown away by the feel of it. Next day I went out and purchased one. The following week I got a DM 2. I am SOOO tempted to buy another throw already, but I told myself I am not going to until my skills become worthy enough to own a high end yo yo.
I just landed Spirit Bomb for the first time today, I felt like Ash from Army of Darkness after shredding a necrite with my Boomstick!

Yoyo Expert has been instrumental in my education and understanding of this wonderful sport.

I started yoyoing when I saw a video of someone yoyoing and it looked really cool, then I go and buy me a Blazing Teens 3 Thunder S. I kept yoyoing because there are so many tricks and you can make it up yourself, it really fun, like playing video games that never ends and you want to find out more. I have been into yoyoing for 6 months, I think.

:slight_smile: I got started with yoyoing when one of my friends at school was doing these cool looking tricks. He told me where he got his yoyo from (here). A few days later I ordered a YoYoJam speedmaker. I have been yoyoing for about two months now and am using a Grind Machine. I kept yoyoing because I had this sense of accomplishment whenever I completed a trick. The simple is truly amazing.

I first started yoyoing in fourth grade when a guy called NED came to my school, my dad bribed me in chores so he bought me my first yoyo. I played a little bit that year and stopped after gravity pull. I started a couple months ago and got a metal zero and learned tons of new tricks. I don’t ever plan to put my yoyo down for good.

I start yo-yoing one year ago , it was a tv programme that introduced me some great guy (luo yi cheng taka Mickey) I was shocked by those tricks they showed off. So I pick an Aoda sunshine for a try. Half yeAr past, I didn’t learn any tricks besides trapeze binding and Eli hop. I was busy about my school work.
Then I entered college , I bought an aoda miracle which is now the yyf siperwide… I got into this site and began learning tricks from andley , now I can do couple of tricks but I am poor at keep them together , last week I did my first horizontal circular Eli hop which drive me crazy!!!

randomly stumbled upon a youtube vid, it was california contest I think, seen the thing, I had no idea, I just knew that I HAD TO do it.

I happened to have a bandai hyper yoyo (FAST 201 actually), went André Boulay for a few weeks and the rest is (barely) history, a few months later I was traveling to EYYC, going to EYYM in a few weeks, loving it.

I love how yoyoing is not really about yoyoing…

i started 3 months ago after an episode of house were a kid was doing gravity pull and i like mettle and it looked fun so i bought a mettle yoyo and 2 fallowed. i keeped going because my Internet connection wasn’t good so it got me off of xbl so i just got a video and completed it 100% with 1a and edvanchally fond youtube than i was looking for info on my yoyo and found this web site.

I “technically” started yoyoing when I was about 7 or 8 years old [I’m 15 now]. When I was about 7 I think, I got a Yomega “Power Brain” for my birthday. And my dad showed my walk the dog and rock the baby and all those “classic” tricks; and i thought “wow that’s really cool.” So I played with it for about 1 month and I just got bored of it. About 2 years passed since then… I picked it up again because I was bored one day, and it started all over again. I learned a few other easy tricks like braintwister and elevator. Then: I got bored of it again… about 4 years passed since then… (I was about 13 or 14 at this time now] Once again, I picked up my old power brain and started playing with it alot. But I remembered what happened every time I picked it up: I got bored of it. So I decided to look into more advanced tricks. So I went to google and typed in “cool yoyo tricks.” And I found Hiroyuki Suzuki’s 2004 worlds performance. I almost fainted. It was the most insane thing I had ever seen. So later, I kept getting into more advanced tricks and I was really pushing the limits of my power brain. So I looked for a long time for a better yoyo. And after watching Andre’s tutorial videos, I wondered for a long time what yoyo he was using. I observed his shirt said “Yoyojam.” I wondered what that ment. Was it the name of a yoyo? Was it the one he was using? Is it a yoyo company? I had no idea. So I just typed it “yoyojam” into google and I found the “Dark Magic” and I recognized it. So I begged my mom to get me one. And eventually long after [I would tell you that story but this post is long enough already] I got my precious “YYJ Dark Magic” and I was amazed at how long it spun compared to my brain. I loved it. This was about August, 2010 now. And since then, I’ve been consistantly yoyoing to be as good as “that one guy in that video.”

This is officially my longest post on this forum BESIDES my reviews…

Anyone watch the suite life on deck? Remember the yoyo episode? It was Yohan Yo (Grant Johnson’s) loops, and then Cody’s (Cole Sprouse’s) trapeze. I thought trapeze was so cool. So, I got a yoyo, X’mas ‘09. 1 hour later: Bonk! Awww… it broke. So we wait another year. I get another yoyo, for 2010 X’mas. I’m yoyoing, doing british flag, rocking the baby, eifel tower, and I think I’m so cool, so I say, “ya know whut, I bet I am like, intermideate level” so I find… you guesed it, Andre. Well, it turned out I was beginner. I loved the look of the DM. So, I bought one… Here we are, 3 months after the day I started yoyoing for realz, I started with my DM on Jan. 3 2011. I can do white buddha, yuuki slack, bunch o’ other stuff. I have a DTI Beast , a Dv888 a 54 and currently, my DM is “safely” on my teachers desk. [sarcasm]It has only been stolen off of her desk 3 times!!! I know right? So little? [/sarcasm] anyway… I love yoyoing. sorry about the book.


I found the video and uploaded it to YouTube:

He sure looks familiar?:scream:

Well, this is an old thread.

I started because of Terraria, and from there, I just couldn’t pull away from Yo-Yo.

I know… But I’ve had a good start. Now all my friends are getting into yoyoing.

It’s pretty cool how many people got into this hobby because of a game… Me included.

My first throw was a responsive DV888, which I beat the heck out of, and now my friend has been beating the heck out of. Being homeschooled, I haven’t really been able to get many people into the hobby, but my friend has. He refuses to look up tricks online, and wants me to teach him everything, which I have no problem with, but I’m a HORRIBLE teacher. Sometimes. Some people understand me, some don’t. I’ve been throwing for about 6 months, and don’t think I’ve been doing too badly. Made you’re a few of my own tricks, and I’ll check cabin tutorials for inspiration. I try not to copy other people’s styles, and just play how I like. But if I had to pick a favorite style it would probably be a mash up of Yuuki, Zach, Harrison, and Riccardo. YZHR? I also do some Kendama on the side, and looking to pick up a cube of some sort. I’m thinking an SS Aurora?