What are some of the best yoyos for learning horizontal?
Under $35 range?
$66-$100 range?
Over $100?
I’m interested in finding some great yoyos for horizontal. I’m not interested in what is the least expensive throw that is good at it, nor am I interested in the most expensive throw, unless it’s a beast at horizontal. I’m just looking for ones that are great at horizontal, regardless of cost. Thanks!
Angular shaped yoyos are the best for horizontal. You have lots of options, but IMO competition oriented throws are the best. The Motive, for example, is the best throw I’ve tried for horizontal: Angular wide shape, with lots of stability:)
There’s a vid on YouTube by an unnamed yoyo store that is about picking a yo-yo for horizontal play.
Some recommendations from me would be the Shutter Wide Angle, the ND, and the Edge. Some others would be like the Atlas, the Edge monster, the biND.