Horizontal Yoying

Ok hear me out.

Do you feel confident with horizontal yo-yoing?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

f you answered No on the previous poll, do you have any interest in learning horizontal?
  • No, I’m not interested in learning
  • Yes, I want to learn
  • I am already confident with horizontal yo-yoing

0 voters

I have found that surprisingly many poeople that I have talked to and seen in the yoyo community consider horizontal to be this foreign thing, that is for other yoyoers to do. Even several really good yoyoers like Dylan Kowalski and Mike Montgomery have said they struggle with it.

I am here to advocate for learning it. I think that how weird it feels when you don’t really have it down is a real barrier to a lot of people. There is a necessary practice component involved. This turns many people away from it. They give up and think of it as “something that those competition kids do”.

But that really doesn’t have to be the case. With the right style of practice, and maybe 15 or so total hours of consistent practice, you can OWN horizontal. And let me tell you, once you really have it down, it is an absolute JOY to throw.

And I know that some of you aren’t really into horizontal and all that, but I am curious as to why. Horizontal yoyoing is just as versatile a style as anything else. I think a lot of the people who don’t want to learn say they like the more chill styles and such. Horizontal does not have to be stressful at all! Chill horizontal flow is absolutely real.

To sum it up, if you aren’t throwing horizontal, and you’ve been yo-yoing for ore than 6 months, I’d take another look at it with a fresh perspective. It is closer to being in your grasp than it feels like, and it can fit in with any style. If you are happy with your tricks and don’t feel the need to learn it, let me tell you, you’re missing out on a world of enjoyment. Even if you think you wouldn’t enjoy it and don’t care about it, how can you say that for sure if you’ve never gotten it down?

Go forth and throw sideways! Do it on your angular bimetal, or your vintage anti-yos. Just get out there and learn :smiley:


I can do basic horizontal but I want to learn more advance stuff


I am still working on my horizontal skin the gerbil


It’s an effort thing for me. I just need to put a bit of time into learning it and I’ll be throwing zonts like a mad thing.


Get it! Yeah once it becomes muscle memory and something you don’t need to really think about any more than regular yo-yoing, that’s when its supper fun for me

Awesome guys, keep at it! Post your progress somewhere, I’d love to see!

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Seems like we need some @nightshadow horizontal tutorials!!!


I am flattered! There are other very good tutorials by very talented players, but I would be happy to share what has worked for me.


What Gnome said.


@nightshadow is awesome to watch for sure. i’d be into some of that :heart::heart::heart:

and he’s funny!!


Horizontal yoyoing? I’m not that lazy, standing takes no effort at all. I tried to shoot the moon while laying horizontal in bed one night. It did not go well! :yo-yo:

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