I have not been able to land this trick at all (I think I landed it ONCE, I THINK). I’m able to land laceration and GT laceration with no problem, but when I attempt the hook I just land into one of those two tricks.
I’ve been trying to get both strings to wrap around my index, but no go. Any tips?
Make sure you intercept both strings. It is very similar to GT Laceration (which I can’t believe you learned before Hook, that’s impressive) in the fact that you grab a string (or with Hook, both strings) and let the other fall into the yoyo. What might help is to make a big loop (if you can still grab the strings) so that it is big enough to get around and hit the yoyo like it is supposed to. Most of all, practice, it sounds like you’re almost there.
I too had this same issue. Learned GT laceration first. Just tried it one day and had it in one shot. Had no problem after that. Then tried the hook and couldn’t land one. It was frustrating. But I learned that a real clean, straight whip is key.