Homemade string!

I have been making my own strings and I’m not sure what Is the best materials to use

I tried making my own string the other day. They didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to. I went to a large fabric chain store to buy my thread. I bought 100% polyester in neon yellow which is the color I wanted. Came home and started twisting. My strings were too slick and stiff. I would say they were like a Toxic string, not a bad string, just not what I was trying to achieve. I am looking for more of a YoYoString Lab feel, they are a little softer feeling, not as slick. I went online and did a little research. I found out there are at least 4 different types of polyester thread. I was using Trilobal polyester thread. I think that spun polyester is what I am after. But I can’t find it locally, and even on the net I am having a hard time finding it in the color I want.

I don’t know if this answered your question. But I would do some research on the different types of polyester thread. You can look at this link. http://www.superiorthreads.com/polyester-thread/

I am by no means an expert, obviously since I tried it for the first time last weekend. But, I don’t think that either of the first two mentioned in your poll are ideal for making yo-yo string. Hopefully someone that makes a well known string will chime in here and let us know exactly what type of thread they use. I am curious to find out.

Good Luck.

Check mine out

Check this thread out. Also check out the links that jhb8426 posted in that thread. All of them have great insight on the different thread types and the expected results from said thread type.

I myself have also been twisting my own string almost since I picked up yoyoing again, and I’ve found experimenting with different string types is almost as fun as playing with it.

Happy Twisting :slight_smile:
