What’s up guys! This is DG, and some of you may know that I’m working on DTT as well as an accessory company known as Home-Brewed Accessories.
I’m going to be taking HBA even further by starting modding.
The things I’ll be able to do are pretty simple for now.
-Satin (For Either Plastic or metal)
-Reshapes (Possible. I’m not sure what the limits are, but I’ll find out )
-Sili Recess
-Plastic Dyeing (In the future)
-Plastic Painting (FHZ’s, Hayabusas, or any other Polycarbonate yoyo)
I still have to test Sili Recess, but I’m pretty confident I can do it.
Current Projects:
YYJ Atmosphere (Older Version, Black)
-Satin (Body is finished. One more rim to go)
-Reshape (A slightly more comfortable shape. One more half to go)
-Bearing Seat Repair (Finished. The seat was squished, and I managed to fix )
-Make it groovy, baby (I’ll be attempting grooves. I’m not sure how just yet, but I’ve got a good idea that I’ll toy with on my DV888)
As of right now, the plan was to fix the originally broken Atmosphere and toy with it, and so far, mission: success
It works just like it did before
The bearing seat is just right. A bit tighter, but that doesn’t mess w/ anything. I have no problem tightening and loosening. It’s just right
Its looks are much smoother IMO, and the satin adds a better grind surface. Next step is finishing up and retouching for a unique, 1 of 1 Atmosphere
YYF DV888 (2010, Gray)
-Satin (Only Body and rims)
-Polish (Not sure what to use just yet.)
-Add some different, unique looks to the yoyo (Not sure yet)
I’m not sure what all to do yet, but the top 3 are the ones I’m doing for sure. This will probably be a keeper or a cheaper seller, due to a bearing seat issue that makes for a higher precess rate than usual, but do not down this. I’ve used this yoyo since August, and it still works as a casual yoyo.
Upcoming Projects:
FHZ Sili Recess and Painting
Not sure when I’ll start this, but I’ll be toying w/ FHZ’s and painting them. I’ll talk more when I obtain one.
Anyway, I know for sure that, since this is HBA, All mods that are sold will be shipped in a handmade duct tape case
Anyway, since some of you haven’t seen them, here is a pic of the cases:
(These were the first ones. I assure the quality is better and if you look at the last one, you can see the V3, and it is smooth
I’ll be sure to post pics and possible vids of both the Atmosphere and DV888 when they’re finished.
That’s all for now.