Hitman+xconvict huh???

for those of you guys that have a hitman(not hybrid) and xvict you should try to combine it like take half of the xvict with hitman…It plays nice because the diameter and everythin is same .trust me it plays niceee butttttttttt do this at your own risk if anything happens dont blame me(for me i dont think anything will happen because it is both made by jd and has the same diameter width etc.)

Ive used a dark magic and hitman before, the hitman unscrewed while spinning and gave my dm a ding, my very first ding!

i mixed a legacy with a speeder and it played very well!

I have tried mixing my DM and X-convict
It was pretty cool,
It has a taste that I like

Half Legacy and Half DM is pretty good.

Hey guys just mixed a x-con pink with a x-convict blk (which side) to make “THE X-CONVICTS”


my bro tried 1.5 f.a.s.t 201 and 1.5 f.a.s.t 201 modded. it played smoother!!!