Hitman Pro or Protostar?

I can’t seem to make up my mind. Should I buy a yoyofactory Protostar or a yoyojam Hitman Pro? They both seem like great yoyos and are unresponsive, except the Hitman Pro comes with a responsive bearing also. And I have only found one website that sells Hitman Pros. Will YoYoeXpert carry them soon? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these yoyos?(Grinds, sleep times, etc.) Any thoughts or personal opinions? ??? If you have tried both, or really like one, please answer.

The Hitman Pro grinds better and has a stronger material.

Sleep times doesn’t really matter. If I were you, I would choose the Hitman Pro, just because it has a stronger material.

Where could I obtain a Hitman Pro? Any stores or websites besides yoyoguy.com?

They will hit here soon at YoYoExpert. I want one sooo bad.

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The hitmqn pro is the way to go