Hey people.

So I discovered something today while throwing and I thought I would share.

Laceration tricks, in particular difficult such as Iwasawa tower, Laceration to X, and difficult 2.0 and beyond hooks etc, that become easier when you hiss like a cat when you attempt it.

Not joking, it actually works.

Try it.


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So, if I hiss while doing a Brent Stole (would this be a laceration-like trick?) I’ll land it? Time to go behind closed doors and give this a shot!

I find that spinning in a circle three times helps also

I landed my first Iwasawa today.

Thanks Jayyo!

I would like to note that, he is not joking. A sharp inhale while doing the whip does wonders. Do not exhale-hiss, otherwise a black hole might appear.

Make sure to inhale-hiss.

I always let a hiss out while landing the last part of And Whut.

Stop. Double take three times. Don’t forget it.

Then bring it around town.


Once, I forgot to bring it around town. The resulting explosion completely rearranged my house.

LMAO. That made me laugh so hard dude haha.

It’s essential to bring it around town people. Unless you were in fact satisfied with the rearrangements.

I must say, although I wouldn’t recommend risking it, it seems to have displayed a remarkable knack for feng shui. The curtains were a nice touch.

What’s wrong with you people?

What happened to the good old days of animal sacrifice?

Just kidding. Sometimes we end up developing a response that we associate with a certain movement, performance element or some other correlation. Burping, blink, noise, tick, foot tap, whatever. It varies. Whatever. If it’s working, why change?

Just think about the loud grunting that often goes with women’s tennis these days. Or the vocalizations that often accompany martial arts. Granted, these are different, but there are sufficient similarities.

Not so different if analyzed correctly. Both are doing aggressive swinging motions and both beating the crap out of something(sometimes being your head or protruding limb)

Hissing is going to remove air from your lungs and cause your upper body to cave or lower for that instant. Hiss at the right time and you have that much more time with the yoyo in “limbo”. Good idea.

Exactly. But there are also differences.

Like, during band in high school, there was this one song that during a break part, I would always have to burp. Fortunately it was during a part where I’m counting measures. Same place every single time. Just sitting there counting out measures… burp… counting measures… OK, time to get ready…

Sometimes extra “wasteful” actions are done as intentional things that while may add flair, may be done to implement an intentional or deliberate pause or force a movement in order to ensure things happen properly.

I’d say as long as it’s not obscene, go for it.

lol… i think burping would have been frowned upon if i did… i was the only guy in my trumpet section…

Haha, I figured it out cause I just hiss like a cat sometimes since I consider myself to be not only human, but certain animal characteristics within me, plus its funny to suddenly do it and it kind of freaks people out, But anyways, I just did it while doing some lacerations and it was weird that it actually somehow helped out.

Don’t knock it till you try it.

It works.


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Bringing it around town is srs bsns, ppl.

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I laughed my head off at this. ;D

This too.

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i feel im much more “in the zone” when i stick my tongue out. and i scream when i do whips! kind of a battle cry!