Nice to see you all again.
I thought I would post and say hey,
Hey guys,
Yeah Im still on my old tricks of posting stuff like this. But for real, this needs to be said.
An individual in another community I am involved in was recently killed in a car accident. He was just 26 years old and had so much life in him, its a shock that this has happened and it sent a shock through the community. He was in a car with a friend and they somehow lost control of the vehicle and hit a truck. Both were apparently killed on impact.
Its downright heartbreaking to see two individuals so young die so suddenly like this, and its also sad to see the ones who they left behind. Their spouses, and many close friends.
I didn’t know the two individuals very well, seen em around, heard of them, but the impact of this really struck me hard. To see an entire community rocked by something like this, and when I take a look through the community as all this is happening, it makes me think about our own yoyo community.
Our yoyo community for the most part is fairly young, a few over the age of 35 obviously but the largest percentage is mostly young teenagers to college age adults. We live in this community where we hang out, talk, joke around etc, and sometimes you need to wonder, if that person you are talking to, is going to be around tomorrow.
Its a sad thought, but I think of two individuals who left our world much too young.
Justin Davis:
And Ryan “Harry Houdini” Monson
I don’t want to think dark, but I do want everyone to think about this.
We often might take each other for granted, or say something meant to be a joke that could be hurtful, or want to say something to a player but feel uncomfortable to say it. Please dont do this.
Everyone around us in the community is very special and they need to be treated as such with respect. And if there is something you want to say, say it, Let each other know how much you appreciate them, and mean it! Cause you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, or even the next hour.
How would you feel if a yoyo friend you are close to suddenly something happened and they were gone? The things you wanted to say, or things you wanted to do.
This is something I really started thinking about since this happened. And I just want to say, that I really do appreciate all of you. You guys , wether you know it or not, inspire me to keep going, to be who I am, and it would wreck me if something ever happened to any of you, cause you all are so full of life.
And seriously, if there is something you want to say to a player, say it! Even a nice “hey you inspired me to have my style”, say it, it could mean a lot and you dont want to miss your chance. Ill go further and this is a stretch but hear me out. You have feelings for a fellow thrower? Just sayin, let them know, it could go wrong, but it could go right. You dont know, Anything else, say it. Dont take others for granted, cherish the times you have with your friends and whoever else. Live your times with them like they wouldnt be there the next day.
Anyways, sorry to break all that onto you guys, but I really felt it needed to be said.
I’ll talk to you guys later.
In the meantime, keep throwing, being the awesome people yall are, and don’t be joeys.