Hey brass players.

Have you ever tried putting valve oil in a bearing? I just got some after recently getting into yoyoing. I’m just curious if anybody tried this. Or is t even effective.

Trumpet valve oil is my go-to thin lube nowadays.

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I used valve oil for the longest time until I lost my bottle of valve oil.

Yeah. Al cass works great.

valve oil or sewing machine oil have been used for a long time as thin lube
3 in 1 oil is a common thick lube

I thought this was about brass side-effects for a second.

Have you tried FAST valve oil?

I play trombone also! What stuff do you use, because I use slide o mix, and I think the only oil that they have that would work is the small bottle, and at that it seems like a thick lubricant.

slide o mix is so much like snot… You will have to let me know how well the other stuff works if you use it on your yoyo.

I think that’s what it says on a bottle of Al cass.

I play trumpet and lamp oil is basi ally the same as valve oil. And valve
Oil is basically the same as thin lube. All work interchangably through my experience. Although there is probably subtle differeneces.

It can work but I find a smaller tip opening would be preferable.