I was wondering what that was haha. It looked like velvet
But it’s got bumpers!
I was watching this, really hoping no one else saw it
The SF x a/Rt DoorKnob was based on the Samurai in that photo
Well, you won’t be bidding against me at least… my desire to collect really old stuff is pretty minimal. I don’t need to own a Cold Fusion when I have a Confusion, if you catch my drift!
Your just confused. But more for me! @codinghorror
It looks like @fullnelson ended up with this eBay lot congrats man!
Definitely one of the more interesting collections I’ve seen come up on eBay for sure.
I admit to nothing!
How did you get those rim wraps around your RD-1? Also, damn I am jealous of your samurai, sell it to me!! Haha
@Grendel has a samurai he’s looking to move
O.O IM REDDY. Haha man, most of my Yos that I want are classics! Also just noticed DocPop answered my question before I even asked it ;p They are rubber bands on the RD-one! haha. I gotta try that
I’d rather trade then sell but what’s your offer? Samurai is well played with no ding’s however some of the printing on the front is starting to flake. With og box.
Thank you for your support! @fatguysnacks247
I use to have a yomega missile was cool
This is awesome, love seeing the custom yos and mini motu stuff. Was there no better difeyo out in 2001?
Wicked stuff