Here's all of the Freehand AL Color Combos!

Hey I miss @twitch77, does anyone have information about him?


im haveing alot of fun and more so now that there are tricks i dont know! haha joing the board to get back into the community too!

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I was just wondering this. Sent him a pm a few weeks ago and never got a reply. Hope he is OK!!!


I wasn’t able to remove the AL Caps.
Need sone help

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Cap removal adventure thread:


can we get some silver / pink Sakura, Steve brown, unknown, 5a edition, mongu, 20th anniversary, Duncan=love, and the galaxy caps? :grin: totally kidding, nice job on these mockups!

Be aware that the first run FH AL caps won’t come off. The current run of FH ALs will.

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I get a glue stick. I made a hole in the stick and glue the stick to an old failed bearing.
And i pump…

My ears was bleeding when the caps pop out.


Red or black caps ?



Didn’t know where to stick this post, but also didn’t think it warranted its own thread.

I have a FHAL Unknown, after finding that i MUCH prefer the play of the new plastic freehand one to the unresponsive, C-bearing FHAL. I am tempted to purchase a black Freehand One AL SB, and swap the caps from my FHAL Unknown, so I have a matching set of A-bearing unknwon freehands (one plastic, one metal).

I have 2 questions:

  1. do the caps from the FHAL fit the FH1AL with an A-bearing? I’m assuming yes.
  2. is the black finish on the FHAL Unknown the same black finish on the black/silver capped small bearing FH1AL?