Help with magic drop

ok so ive been throwin for a while but never got around to magic drops :cry: but now i need them so please help me . . . here is my problem

when i swing the yoyo around my throwhand with the string wrapped around it in an L shape , the yoyo doesnt hop off the string it stays on

any tips that can solve this problem

make sure the string that you are holding with your throwhand, the part where your hand is an L shape, is really big. It can be difficult to do magic drop if you don’t do this. Or just keep practising.

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It helped me to point my throwhand finger straight forward

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keep your throwhand really really still and also just as the yoyo is coming over give a small pull with your non throw hand. I find keeping my thumb level or a little bit pointed down helps me

Thanks guys i figured out the problem :smiley:

it was that i was swinging the yoyo to far from my throhand

but now i got

thanks u guyz realy helped