Help with Guy Wright bind

I haven’t been able to constantly land the bind (might have a long tail in 1 attempt and a snag when I go to throw it in another). Any tips and tricks you have would be greatly appreciated :grin:

Check out the Yoyoexpert video/s @AndreBoulay made.

Take your time and stick with it. It’ll click. For sure one of the most frustrating things to learn.

You got this!


What yoyo are you playing with? String?

This bind is fun but fickle!

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It’s quite frustrating at the start. I struggled a lot with it, especially the one that throws the yoyo upwards. It is very easy to snag when doing one of these. My suggestion is to keep the tail as short as possible. When you go into the undermount, make sure the string is as close to the yoyo as possible. Then when you’re executing the bind, try to pull your right hand away from the yoyo as the yoyo is moving away from you to keep the tail as short as possible. I suggest just binding with a low spinning yoyo (throw lightly) first so you get more successes and can start trying to understand what actually happens when the yoyo is binding in the Guy Wright bind. Best of luck, tons of practice is needed to get it to bind properly and look nice.


This is my favorite bind and it’s so much fun. This bind is a bit tricky at first and it’s easier on some yoyos than others. There are 2 tips I can give you to make it easier. 1…make sure your string tension is neutral or close to it. I found that the more tension the string has the more likely it will snag. I never get snags or tails with neutral tension. 2…after you undermount and you are about to throw the yoyo over your hand and away from you, follow the yoyo with your throw hand and pull it back the opposite way when the yoyo is about to get to the end of the string. That will help tremendously with any tail or snagging. Hope this helps. Will make an in depth tutorial soon.


string tension is critical. I seem to have the best results on a clean new string too. Maybe a thinner string if your playing thicker string.

Once you get it you can really create a crisp SNAP! So nice. Stick with it!

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Shutter with bad wolf co half shells and WA with kitty xxl

Thanks for all the tips, now to try this again :grinning:

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I would recommend maybe just using one or two fingers and not focusing so much on the loop going over the fingers and more on the yo-yo hopping over the fingers .

Update: I can now consistently land the bind with medium to low spin :+1::grin:.

Thank you all for the help :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: