Help Reducing Vibe?

A few days ago, one of my friends asked me to try my yo-yo (Shuriken Roppo) and I obliged. However, on the first throw, the yo-yo flew off his finger and skidded across some concrete. Ouch. Now, the yo-yo has pretty bad vibe (while I don’t usually mind vibe, this vibe is starting to get on my nerves), and I wanna find a way to lessen it. Anyone got some tips?


Check to see if the axle is bent. Remove it from the yoyo and roll it across a flat surface like a table top or counter. If it doesn’t roll smoothly it is no doubt bent and needs to be replaced.


@jhb8426, I have the 2016 Duncan freehand. I’m trying to make mine smooth. Are there any ways to make it smoother or not?

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What type of Yoyo is it? If it’s a bimetal then it might be that the rimes dislodged a bit, and that can be fixed

did it take a chunk out of one of the halves?
it would need to be pretty significant to induce vibe but it’s possible.
the axle check mentioned above is good advice.
also check the roundness of the halves. spin it on the string slowly and look at the edge of the throw.
check that the bearing is still smooth. take the throw apart and spin the bearing. it should spin smoothly for several seconds…like 10 to 15 easily…on a finger flick. it’s possible that you got something in there too that may be inducing some vibration. clean it up if it’s not smooth.

good luck

Embrace the vibe?

I’m not familiar with that one. You might check the axle like mentioned above. Also if it has caps make sure they are securely in place.

I assume that’s plastic. Plastic yoyo with vibe is gonna be a plastic yoyo with some vibe. Your not going to tune or mod it to get something dead smooth

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It’s a Shuriken Roppo (monometal).

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freehands vibe, its part of the freehand vibe

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I’ve seen this exact scene play out at yoyo club. It was painful to watch. I felt so bad for the guy. I don’t have any advice but I feel for ya. The kids at club are rough sometimes. Once I looked over to see my monarch sailing in the air and rolling in multiple parts across the concrete patio 10 feet away from us in the grass.

that hurts my soul, the monarch is so good

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It’s a moment you take a deep breath and let it slide. Nothing to be done. Don’t want to ruin yoyo for some kids at club over what’s literally just a broken (albeit not exactly cheap) toy.

absolutely, better to keep the kids engaged and into the sport. yoyos are meant to be played anyway, sometimes that means irreplaceable damage lol

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Had my custom levi peak hit the pavement at nationals quite some time back.

Had another time I forgot to zip my case as nd everything spilled out into concrete. At the time I was a stickler for mint and traded all but the plastics away.

Damage happens unfortunately

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