I’m looking to buy a new yo-yo and could use some advice. I’ve narrowed down my options to the following models available in India:
YoYoFactory Replay Pro YoYoFactory Arrow Elite Magic YoYo Crystal K2 Plus Magic YoYo V10 Magic YoYo N11
I know many recommend starting with a responsive yo-yo, but I’ve only used a very cheap toy yo-yo before (priced around $2–5). I’m not sure if that counts as a proper first yo-yo, but since my budget is tight and I’ll only be getting one yo-yo for at least a year, I want to choose the best possible option.
Even though starting with an unresponsive yo-yo might be challenging, I’d rather go through the learning curve now than invest in a responsive one first and upgrade later. My parents see this as just a toy, so getting another one in the future won’t be easy.
I’ve read through many forum discussions, and I’ve seen that models like the Recess First Base and iYoYo Shooting Star are highly recommended for beginners. Unfortunately, they aren’t available in India, so I have to choose from what’s accessible here.
My budget is around ₹2500 ($28), but I can stretch a bit (₹3000 - $34) if it’s truly worth it.
Another issue is that yo-yos in India are significantly more expensive than in the US. For example, the Replay Pro costs about $16 in the US, but here, it’s priced at $24. Given these higher prices, I want to make sure I’m getting the best value for my money.
If anyone has experience with these models, could you rank them from best to worst
I’d really appreciate any recommendations or advice! Thanks in advance for your help!
My subjective opinion on these would be this ranking:
Magic YoYo V10
Magic YoYo Crystal K2 Plus
Magic YoYo N11
YoYoFactory Replay Pro
YoYoFactory Arrow Elite
The V10 will have a little bit more power and stability compared to the K2p but will also damage easier.
N11 is…just kind of OK. But in my opinion not a great yoyo.
Replay Pro is…a little more powerful than the K2plus but less versatile because it lacks the fingerspin option.
Arrow lacks power and stability when compared to the Replay Pro but does have the fingerspin option. However the fingerspin option on the V10 is FAR superior to that of all the other yoyos listed.
Can i know what powerful means in yoyo terms and if finger spins are the only thing that is a limiting factor in replay pro how far can i get with other tricks (other than the finger spins) because there is good price difference between the v10 and replay pro so i might purchase the replay pro if thats the only limit here
Powerful mean keeps spinning for a longer time and doesn’t slow down as much as you play with it for me personally.
If you’re not concerned with fingerspin tricks at all then buying the Replay Pro is a pretty decent option. It’s cheap and sturdy and will get you through a LOT of your first tricks.
I would agree with Alex assessment on this. He has tested MANY yo-yos and I value his opinion. I feel like the V10 is going to serve you best as your only one. It won’t leave you feeling like you wish you had gotten another. I might recommend using a shorter string to start off in order to help avoid damage from hitting the floor.
Now i will either buy the replay pro or the V10 depending the final budget, since my exams are going on now i will update my purchase and progression in a month.
I recently got a Magicyoyo V8 and was really surprised with how well it played. It’s a great yoyo. The only issue I had with it was I had to clean the bearing a handful of times because it kept going responsive. It wasn’t just responsive where you could still play it, it wouldnt even spin. I’ve heard magicyoyo uses cheap bearings. Though, other than that it is a really solid playing yoyo that surprised me alot.
I rank the replay pro low because I’ve seen too many people squish the bearing seat by over tightening it. The arrows for alignment don’t really work and are always off and the yoyo generally under performs others in your list. It’s not a bad yoyo but it’s not one I suggest folks get unless they are trying to be like gentry lol
If n12 is available I’ll agree it’s great too. I have found for some reason allot of folks have sent me stripped ones to rethread from club. Not sure if that’s because it’s more popular or more prone to stripping.
V8 is cool, I have one. Surprisingly great. I still think it gets overshadowed because the V10 was so so good that it is outright better (imo) plus it finger spins. So it is hard for me to ever answer V8 even if its one of those crappy yoyos i actually do love lol.
Another rec is the Sharks Honor. That yoyo is SO FUN. I would give away my shutter or some other mid range yoyo before my red sharks honor man i love it . Still v 10 is better tho smh.
I will also say a v11 or v12 beats the v10 slightly if that’s an option at all. V11 being slightly better for finger spins and v12 being slightly more performant