Help me out bois

Trying to get this down and am stuck on the element at 1:00

My issue is I can’t get the dang string to come around without also making the yoyo spin around with it. I’m sure if I work on it long enough I’ll figure it out but I figured I’d see if any of ya’ll have some tips.


It looks to me like you need to create some tension with your NTH by pushing the string away to keep it taut which should let you make the string pop over your TH to hook into the yo-yo.

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Yeap been trying that a bit but so far no luck. Does seem that he creates a little bit but not too much. I’ll have to try it a bit more. Appreciate the input.

It’s like an element that seems super simple but has a bit more nuance to it than it seems. Was kind of hoping that it’d been used in some other really common trick that I just didn’t know about and someone would be really familiar with it.

On the other angle when he does it full speed you can see he actually releases the string slightly with his throw hand at the same time too. Which makes the yo go lower and makes it so the string doesn’t whip into it but instead stays loose around the string

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Figured it out! It definitely has to do with releasing the string held in the throw hand while the slack comes around. Makes it so the yo falls down instead of spinning around along with the slack.

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