ive definetally thrown a metal before
I definitely say Genesis. And Ape is right about the Superstar, besides my offstring yo-yos, it is the largest yo-yo in my collection that I play with. It is larger than a New Breed, Peak, etc.
new breed or jamboo
The Bully is a really great choice! My opinion is obviously biased, though. If I were to recommend one besides the Bully, I would say Genesis. Go with what you think looks cooler.
Whoops. Sorry everyone. My bad. It is full sized.
What kinda Response do you like? Plain Dead or some response? Grinds in the picture or stacks. YYF has a good selection in the 60 - 120 range. Its all in what you like. Its hard to just guess from a photo how its gonna feel in the hand which is why borrowing a few from friends or if you have a local store, try some out first.
Whats your favorite FEEL-Play-Fit in Your HAND yo right now?
Repsonse: dead perferably sili pads or silicone
Grinds: definetaly
Slacks:im not so great at them so i want something thats forgiving
Friends around my area that yoyo :1-2 i have only kept in touch with one though but i could try his dv888
STORE?!?: i think that there will never be contest nor store in Utah so that sucks for me
as for the last thing you said i think that the pgm-g5+is my fav that fit in my hand but for comfort wise it would have to be the pgm
so ive narrowed it down to these three
Genesis looks like its good for 5A but so is the bully it depends on which shape you like beeter. According to your price range go with the bully.