Help id this yoyo

I have a few yoyos in my collection I’m having trouble IDENTIFYING. I was hoping someone can help with this one.

Thank You.

looks like a rlly old yoyo (2010-2013) given the flat bearing

but only if it came stock like that

One drop top deck


Looks really old 2000-2013
I’m sorry…that’s just hilarious :rofl:
At least you gave a decent size window huh?


lol srry :rofl:

its more like 2010-2013, but it also looks pretty wide and wide yoyos only became a thing in about 2017 so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t have the answer but I do have a thread related observation.

When I became interested and started buying yoyos back about 1997/98; Makers went out of their way to Brand yoyos. Each yoyo was a small billboard to advertise the Brand. That was ‘the Way’.

Somewhere along the line(I honestly don’t remember when the whiny trend started, sorry?) people began complaining about how the various ‘markings’ on New yoyos, diminished their enthusiasm and interest in buying them.

Or… they straight out said they either would not buy Branded yoyos or posted up about regretting the purchase of yoyos bearing various levels of hideous engravings and such.

People wanted Clean, unbranded yoyos. Some actually were of the opinion that the Best yoyos should have no marks on them at all. And the more expensive the yoyo. The more people would demand the cleaner, less distracting look of Un-ugly-Tized yoyos.

The Makers, in an effort to appease the crybabies, headed in that direction, one following the other. So as to not lose out on potential sales.

…An upsurge in Yoyo buyer Happiness. Yoyos with NO MARKS ON THEM. None, zero, zip, whatever…

A time to remember!

Until later, down the line. When the only time to remember was looking at yoyos and not remembering what the heck Brand/model/etc. they were?

Remember the old saying that goes something like this, ‘Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it’?

Well, we got it.

I will nominate myself for at least Vice President of Stupid. I easily have at least 100+ yoyos that I would be hard pressed to name in a yoyo quiz.

There are a select few players and collectors that are spot on with yoyo identification skills. But they are the exception .

…wait till you need to make a few bucks and you break out your yoyos and then try to remember which one is which? The brand, the exact model, made where, made when, etc.

It went from ‘ hey that’s a nice ‘brand name’ yoyo to ‘nice yoyo. What is it and who made it and when and where was that made?

… If that yoyo ‘above’ had even a mark in the response groove, it would I.D. With a quickness.

Oh well…

Maybe we should start a regular Column, ‘Name this yoyo’?


Not a good marker for whether yoyos are old, One Drops come with their signature 10 ball flat bearing still, out of respect for the patent by Frank Difeyo.

This looks to be a One Drop Top Deck, maybe an experimental anodize or a custom job?


ah tru looks wide tho so maybe came out in 2017?

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I’ve thought about this more than once since I jumped back into the hobby. In a culture where everything is labeled to death, I was amazed that so many yoyos aren’t branded at all. I love the aesthetics and purity of it, but when there are hundreds (thousands?) of different models on the market that bear no marks, IDs will get messy at some point.


Either 2017 or 2018, not too sure haha

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OMG… It. Is. So. Old. 2016.


One Drop Top Deck was released April 2016. One Drop has a neat page on their website which lists all their releases from newest to oldest along with release date


This. I sometimes go to the full list and poke around until I begin to drool. And then cry because there are so many amazing releases that I will never own. But mostly drool.


This is far too accurate of a description of how I spend my time on the One Drop site…

That said, I’ve never been more tempted to post the bearing picture of the not yet releases One Drop Nitro and muse about how it must be from 2014 because it has the similar response bump as Markmont Classic and a flat bearing…


Wait, did the Markmont Classic come out in 2014? Where did the years go?


OD always puts flat bearings in their yoyos

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oh ok btw, congrats on 4th!

Also…Konkave bearings have been in yoyo’s since 2003

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