Heavy feeling throws?

Money OP, otherwise I’d be so sold on the Hades! Looks like exactly what I like.


I have a Berserker Decade which I kind of forgot about because I don’t care for the shape. I think it does deliver on that heavier feel.

C3 delivers pretty outstanding features/quality even at the lower price points.

Gonna shill for yoyofriends again. The Nucleon is 65 grams, which is heavy for a bimetal, and it definitely feels like it. But it plays so great, and the weight is very pleasant and controllable. If you’re looking for a bimetal, go for it, it’s very cheap. Like $75-80.

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I have duncan raptor that is 72g. Its super fun to play also. Added some metal fh caps to it (this was not an easy task) and be warned if you do try this it is permanent. Those things are never coming out.

Nucleon is a good one.

For lower cost bimetal options, the Gway Ixion is 67g.

The Edition Reflection is also 67g and there is a pay-it-forward going.

Gway is fire as well, everything they do is awesome

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