Threadz strings is produced and operated by our very own ‘Adam’.
These strings are awesome for slacks and suicides, yet they down burn like no tomorrow.
I was recently contacted by Adam, asking if I wanted review his strings, to which I replied ‘of course!’.
A few days later, after school this mysterious pink envelope in my name was waiting for me. I didn’t know what to think of it, until it clicked; “The strings!”.
I ripped the envelope open, and inside were 3-4 beautiful strings, with a note.
I was impressed at how awesome these looked. There were two purp/pink 50/50’s cotton poly, a white 100% poly, and a sky blue 100% poly. I went for the purp/pink first, because it caught my eye the most.
The first thing I noticed is how much it didn’t burn. It was hot that day, and my hands were some-what sweaty. That is the recipe for super burns, but I didn’t feel a thing. The second thing I learned is how awesome the slacks and suicides were. I wasn’t able to stop throwing…
After a day or so, I tried the sky-blue 100% poly. This one was equally as awesome, but in different areas. I liked the whips, and the smoothness, though had some tangling problems. Not to fret, as it’s not as bad as other strings.
I highly enjoyed every second of playing with these strings.
I’ve been using the same 50/50 for about 2 weeks, and rocks the same as day 1.
Buy some. Nowish.
Adam’s prices are any blend, 10 for $4 shipped.
He ships the next day, and is a hard worker. ;]