Has quarantine helped you or hindered you

For me it has helped a thousand times over to the point before I was good but now I could almost compete in nationals


It has emotionally hindered me very badly causing me to feel unmotivated to practice yoyo and even do anything else lol.


I’ve had so much time to get my body in check - I’ve been exercising 6 days a week! :nerd_face:


Both :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I’ve picked up some things that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but also got lazy with other things. Starting to balance out now.


same, since I cant go to yoyo club anymore it has been way more boring then normal, its still fun but I need my monthly dose of other throwers

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I’ve been depressed… Not bored… :joy:


I feel like I have gotten so much better at yoyoing because of Quarantine. I guess that is one thing that came out of Covid. I have been wanting to put more of my time into yoyoing and quarantine gave me my change. The only way it has hindered me would be that I miss going to movie theaters and gyms. It has also messed college up for me as well


At least you have been apart of a yoyo club, I have never even met other yoyo players before


I yoyo everyday, but I’m definitely throwing more these days with so much more time at home.


It’s a mixed bag haha. I’m just happy to throw any chance I get.


I’m retired. Honestly it has not done much either way.


It’s kind of done both. At the very beginning, I had this drive to pick up some new tricks. But there were a few moments where I reached a point that I “burned myself out” as it was literally the only thing I was doing. Quarantine did also get me to dabble in a couple other styles for fresh things to work on including 5A and 5.0A (Really liking 5.0A).

I do miss yoyo club though.


Helped. More free time but not enough to get burnt out, was never a part of an sort of club anyway.

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Tbh it’s kinda been a struggle for me emotionally. On the one hand I’ve been relatively productive—lost 12 lbs, studying for a certification for a new title at work—but on the other hand, depression has made me much more of a vegetable recreationally.

I’ve gone through some productive stints hobby-wise, primarily miniature painting, but it’s very up and down.

Doesn’t help that I’ve become a bit of a recluse virtually (which is why you don’t see me here as often these days), which makes motivation harder to come by.


I think helped for the most part. I had been away for yoyos for years; without the extra time I don’t think I would have gotten back into it, and now I ask myself why I ever stopped.

I cook my own food at home, so restaurants not being open wasn’t a concern. I rarely go to bars in recent years, so those being closed didn’t bother me. I can still load up my kayak and head to a lake whenever I have time. I was able to completely gut and rebuild a bathroom I had been wanting to tackle for a long time, so it was nice to get that done. Got all my landscaping work done that I had been meaning to do for the past couple summers. So really no issues with quarantine in regards to yoyoing or otherwise.


Same, so in most respects not much has changed, though in some respects my motivation is dwindling.


this is really a mixed response i can get burnt out a lot but i i just dont yoyo more then three hours a day on the weekends and im fine


I was more relaxed during quarantine so I was throwing more accurately. Being back to work for over a month I’ve been getting sloppier because I am more tired and my mind is now always swimming in work-stuff. I learned a few new moves during quarantine so that’s good. Even if I’ve gotten a little sloppier my mind still has the new moves logged.


I am not the most social of guys anyway, so in some ways my life has not changed as much as others. I’ve saved time in traffic, so I have a bit more time to practice keyboard or throw a yo-yo around, so yes it helped I guess… :thinking:


Hasn’t affected me very significantly one way or the other. I was laid off for 3 weeks and worked from home for 1 but other than that it’s been business as usual. Day-to-day is mostly the same except I wear a mask sometimes.