Has quarantine helped you or hindered you

While it has made no difference on yoyo, I have spent more time learning guitar, bass and ukulele.

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For Yoyoing stuff it’s helped me have more time to throw. Many of the younger ones don’t realize it but once you finish college and end up working and living as a full blown adult it’s really hard to find the time to practice and just chill with the yoyo anymore. I definitely can’t grind my stuff like I did when I was in my late teens and early 20s and competing.

Was definitely cool to have that time to be able to just vibe with throwing.

Outside of Yoyoing it’s a stressful time due to bills and such with no work due to closures, but doing what we can to get by.

The Miss and I have taken up fishing which we have been doing every day almost for a while now. Very therapeutic to just get out into the outdoors and catch some glubglubs.


Dude I am dreading the day I finally become a real adult. I only have two more years of college left and I am afraid that after that I will not have time to yoyo any more. Quarantine kind of helped me realize that!

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Adult or not, you will always find the time to do something you love, I graduated college in 2016 - I have many more responsibilities (aka bills) than before, but I still have loads of free time (pre-covid)

Finding a job that suits your monetary/mental/scheduling needs is easier said than done, but if you can find something that checks all of those prerequisites you will have the time and energy to do what you enjoy most (yoyo)



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I was already losing my mind before Covid. Now I feel myself spiraling back into the state I was in before I had a mental breakdown years ago


I still almost always have a bit of time here and there to yoyo/design yoyos, even though I work fulltime and have a bunch of other stuff going on (kids, family).


U competing in scales?

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I got a week off in early March, but other than that it’s been mostly business as usual for me.

@Durfee I feel you there man…I’ve been having a terrible time lately as well. It’s tough when there’s so much negativity almost anywhere you look these days

@Yo-yoislife, like @MarkD I work and off shift and have a family to take care of but there’s always time to throw, even if some days it’s just 15 minute chunks that you might otherwise spend browsing social media, watching a youtube vid, etc.


Ya I am but competing in scales but pointing it this way I could get in to it but I would get last place or second to last I’m only 14 so I haven’t really had to deal with a job or anything like that and I can see how it must be stressful at this time


I’ve been furloughed since March, so I picked it up again around the end of May to keep myself busy. I started knowing bare-bones tricks, but in a couple days my right-handed loops were looking better and I was learning left-handed loops. A month ago I got a YYF Replay responsive so I could start learning 1A. It has helped me stay more active, I feel my general hand dexterity has improved, and it’s kept me from a lot of phone-staring awkwardness. I am now looking at unresponsives. :smiley:


Quarantine? I thought everyone was just hiding! :man_shrugging:


We are. From the big scary monster called the Coronasourous Rex!


Whew that was close! I thought everyone was hiding from me. :upside_down_face:

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I miss walking around downtown and being the only one on the sidewalks and jaywalking whenever I wanted to. Ah, the good old days.


Hang in there @Durfee!!!

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