Has anyone else been called a nerd?

Considering the nerds have won isn’t it a compliment at this point now?


Only nerds should be able to call each other nerds.


Quiet nerd :wink:


Yes sir


I’ve been called (or viewed as) a nerd pretty much all my life. I never felt embarrassed by my hobbies, and I always took pride in my academic acumen and high intellect, so being called a nerd never bothered me. Especially since I am not socially awkward and can usually shed the nerd tag once people interact with me (in person anyway).


I wear it as a badge of pride honestly. To touch on what witchgrinder said, Nerd culture is so tangled into popular culture now its ridiculous to think there is another culture really. I grew up loving Star Trek and fantasy films and other sci fi and playing video games and reading comic books and had friends that did the same and we were considered nerdy. Now Comic Con is one of the most popular events to attend, Comic movies dominate the screen and comics books and video games are things lots of people are into to. Action Stars like Vin Diesel, Jason Mamoa and Joe Maganiello have been known to start DnD games on the set of movies while they film. At this point I think we nerds have won. And most of the time I have had more people interested in my yoyoing then scoffing at it.


Many times. Last month I was called a nerd by a co worker after seeing another co worker and I create our own handshake. I understand though, they were jealous. It is a very cool handshake.


My kids say this is what nerd and cool mean/stand for now.

N.E.R.D= Never Ending Radical Dude
C.O.O.L= Constipated Overrated Outrageous Loser

Seriously, not joking.


They should start thinking of nerds as cool imo, but I get it. Kids in school are still using the age old nerd vs cool hierarchy I guess. Now that dad likes comics/nerd stuffs maybe the newer generation will lash back a bit on nerd culture? They are already more right wing than us overly leftist millenials.

Really? Did not know this. Im imagining Vin Diesel having a conversation with Paul Walker offstage, and Paul going, “you want to play what?” lol


Sophia Vergara makes fun of Joe’s D&D obsession, and neither are shy about it when it gets brought up on late night talk shows.


I call myself a nerd and am proud of it. Let’s see… I was in high school band, got a degree in computer science, didn’t drink, smoke or do drugs, used the money I did not spent on cigarettes to buy a big modular synthesizer. Lots of “nerd” qualities. Now, I retired at 58 while my “cool” friends continue to work for Walmart. Yep. I’m just fine being a nerd. Now I’m hanging at this forum because I want to learn yoyo.


i don’t mind being called a nerd i was just wondering if anybody else had people call them a nerd too


Not to my face poindexter! :muscle: :facepunch:

Sheesh people always have to judge and discount others to validate themselves. Not all nerds are created equal in fact many are simply awesome people. (Non nerds are not all created equal either.)


If someone gives me grief for playing yoyo (calls me a nerd) I just hand them the yoyo and tell them they can’t even wind it lol. If they know the finger wrap trick I’ll tell them to throw it and get it back up. Almost every time they shut up. They like to talk trash, but when you tell them to try it they back down almost immediately. I feel they have the up and down yoyo in their head and have no clue just how challenging what we do is.


Most young people face a shock when they reach adulthood and realize none of the things that make you cool in high school make you cool in any way anymore, and a lot of the things people were chastised for will be the reason people are drawn to you as an adult.

Like, I’m an immigrant.

My dad is African and my mom is German and I was born in Brazil. In school when I told other kids about it, they just couldn’t wrap their heads around it. I was always asked “Then what ARE you?” And they basically wrote me off as a weird foreign kid.

Well, let me tell you that as adult it’s a source of pride. Generally, people find it fascinating and really really cool, and that includes women.


I have, but it’s never been a source of anxiety or distress. I’ve mostly worn it as a badge of honor and surrounded myself with fellow nerds. All of my friends are nerds of one form or another. I even married a girl who’s nerdier than I am lol. So yeah, I have been called a nerd but I was fortunate enough to be in good, nerdy company so I didn’t care or it would make me smile.

My best advice is embrace your nerdiness happily so you become a beacon to other nerds. Whenever I’d be in a new social situation—which was often for me since I switched schools a fair bit—I found that if I wore my nerddom on my sleeve cheerfully and enthusiastically, I’d attract other nerds. That’s how I built my social groups. I’m not saying be obnoxious about it. But people are attracted to confidence. So if you go about your day cheerfully and with confidence while rocking a stupid-looking Pokémon hat and a backpack covered with nerdy buttons/patches/whatever and maaaybe have a Magic deck ready to go in one of its pockets, the other nerdy people will come talk to you. And once you have your social support network in place, it’s much easier to be resilient.

And hey, now us nerds run the world :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


i like your ways


Just don’t do that with an expensive throw lol it’s a good way to get a meaty ding from a someone who tries to prove they can do it. Don’t ask me how I know lol :joy:


Been called alot of unpleasent things but never nerd, must be an age thing.

always reminds me of the phrase:
“call me what you want but don’t call me late for dinner”


To answer to Ops question:

No. But I did have an encounter with a guy who works at my local butcher the other day that made me really uncomfortable.

While waiting for him to fulfill my order, I pulled out my yoyo and started doing some tricks to pass the time. He noticed almost immediately and was like “dude, is that a yoyo? I haven’t seen anyone play with one of those since like the late 90s”

I was like yeah, it’s the best toy ever invented!

Then he started asking me questions like “jeeze, do you play with Rubik’s Cubes too?” And he went on to laugh and bro out with his coworker about nerdy stuff in a passive aggressive kind of way.

At first it felt disheartening, but then I came to my senses and remembered just how much fun and joy yoyo brings me.

H8ers gonna h8, taters gonna po-tate
