Happy Halloween - We Want Costume Pictures Contest!

Ha! I suppose I could’ve tried spinning my daughter around my head, but I don’t think my wife would’ve liked it!

Here are some tricks I can do with my yoyo costume:

Walk the Dog
Around the World (well, me running around in a circle)
And that cool un-named-yet-highly-difficult trick that was in the picture

Awesome thanks André!!

Wonder who’ll win?

I lost the fricking power and wasn’t able to enter. I’m using McDonald’s wifi. Halloween has been rescheduled to this Saturday in Farmington. Don’t have school for a week.

hahahaha. Same here up in NH.

Can we still enter?

Darn, I missed it! I had an amazing costume too, would have done a simple “Trapeze”, would have been a very suitable trick. Not to mention, a classic toy playing with…a classic toy :slight_smile:

All of the activity with my amusement park interests and closing of the amusement park season and their Halloween Haunt, and Halloween yesterday, I unfortunately forgot about hitting up YYE the past couple days.

If you wonder, I made the box myself :slight_smile:

All this prank took was me snooping around a photo bin and then thinking “Time to fool some suckas’” and then pressing the ‘post’ button. Planned in a few seconds yet well executed.

Darn indeed Mr. Angry Gumball, there is no doubt you would certainly have been in contention. That is one awesome costume!

I really hope i win :smiley:

seems fishy ^^^^^^^

Winners are out. I like how the winner didn’t even have a real spinning yoyo in the pic. (was a great pic tho). I didn’t enter the contest im just observing this.

Not really sure why one of Runner up, runner ups wasn’t even wearing a costume and your couldnt see the yoyo cause the picture was blurry. But who asked my opinion?

The Runner-runner up you speak of was wearing a costume…

He was NES - yo-yo playing kid from Super Smash Brothers. :wink:

ooh ok thanks. Ness looks normal-ish so it was hard to tell haha.
I like the captain america dude the best

We had lots of other favorites too - it was not an easy choice! :slight_smile:

Yeah. Sorry for the bad quality pick… My digital camera’s not so fast… Especially for boingy boing…

Also, the blue stripes are masking tape! XD

Well the “bad quality pic” got you money sir! :slight_smile: didn’t realize you were ness haha. except for the shirt i dress like ness everday i guess :confused:

Hahaha. I would never wear my hat like that sideways. XD I was trying to look for a better hat or PK Yomega but it’s extremely hard to find!

nes is using a yomega raider

Actually, Yomega made a collaboration to make Ness’ yoyo.
