Fourth Annual Halloween Costume Contest!

We know a lot of you will be in costume this week & weekend and we want to see them!

What we are looking for:

When you’re out at Halloween parties or out trick or treating, snap a photo of you in costume doing a yo-yo trick! Be scary, funny or do a crazy pose. Whatever you want is cool. Have fun with it!

Submit Your Photo:

With your photo taken, all you need to do is share it on the YoYoExpert forums

OR you can share it via social media (Twitter or Instagram) with the hash tag #TrickOrYoYo and the tag @YoYoExpert

How and What You’ll Win

November 7th the YoYoExpert staff will choose our five favorite picture – they will each receive a $25 Gift Certificate to the store! Then we will let the YoYoExpert Forum Community VOTE for their favorite from those five photos – the winner takes home an extra $75 Gift Certificate for a total of $100 to the store!

Let’s see those pictures!

Here are some pictures from the past few years too!

Yay! I love these contests!

Where do we post?

On the forums on this page.

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did anyone notice that the orange yoyos used in the main pics are shutters

Looks Photoshopped

they are, you can see it in the original pics. But an orange shutter would be cool.

i knew they were photoshopped (not a bad job) but it thought it was cool and if those are the prizes im in

What a time to be on a business trip away from my cosplay gear…



Cool, this will be fun! :slight_smile:

Doin’ ellie hops on my unicorn ^^

^^ Those in motion pics don’t work out too well do they.

on my phone it looked ok,well i messed up lol

Oooh nice I might do this but…we’ll see.

phantom with kwijibo if that doesnt work

Here is me using Sting from my Frodo costume in one of my tricks.

Me with my costume that lets me play like a ninja


If the first one does not work: