Hand-eye coordination and Yoyoing.

I would never be able to study that long haha for me it’s like study for 15 min… hour break haha

Not at all. Once I got my first yoyo, I did not stop yoyoing for more than 3 days at a time. And that was just because I had forgotten to bring my yoyos on a trip. It stunk.

I used to yoyo a long time ago, and could hit a trapeze sometimes, and I could do brain twisters pretty regularly. After not throwing for years, I could hit trapezes much easier when I came back. I remember thinking, “Man, why was this so hard before?” I just blamed it on age.

I can yoyo… but my hand-eye coordination stinks.

hand-eye coordination means just about nothing to me with yoyoing.

muscle memory all the way.

Yoyoing isn’t really hand-eye coordination, it’s muscle memory, unless you’re catching a suicide, it that case I guess it’s “technically” hand-eye, but you can get yourself used to throwing the string perfectly every time, I have a friend who does suicides without even looking, he just got used to the movement over time. Kendama is hand-eye, yo-yoing on the other hand, not so much.

True but when you are first learning is all hand eye coordination. After you do it consistently it becomes muscle memory. It is like this with a couple of things like juggling.

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I noticed too.
I took like a 1-3 month break for guitar, came back, and I was greeted by the blur of a yoyo moving across the string. idk if it is tested or proven, though.