GYRO flops

Whats the most gyro flops YOU have done, in a row.

My record is 10

I’m not very good sooo I think the most I did is 5?

I got 18 once. Best day of my life!

7 once

I can pretty much get 20 every time lol.

i’d like to see a video of that…

You’re not the first.


world record stands at 31 flops i believe.

I’m going to try and break it now.

I can get six from a snap start

Woah, yeah you go break that record

How do you get out of it without a giant knot?

Is that 31 full rotations or half rotations?

You can check inside of the gap to see which side you need to pull the loop out from

Full rotations. Done with an 888x

Nice. Using a Phenomizm?

Also, is a flop considered half or a full rotation?

Is a full rotation when the string is on the same side where it started?

Yeah… i just found that out.

But still, i think you could break the record

My record is… 0! :wink: