Guess what I found on my table when I came back from work?

My Fool’s Gold Peak!!! I’m so excited! I have been playing for the last two hours straight and I don’t plan on stopping! Pictures and a review coming soon!

PS> There’s something about a metal yoyo that induces creative juices and morale that boost’s your playing ability and creation of new tricks.


Awesome! Aren’t you lucky!

can you feel whats wrong with it?
I’m thinking about getting one.

awesome dude. happy throwing

When I picked it up and threw it, there was no vibe at all that I could see. My string had no vibration too. There was only one ano hole half the size of an asprin and in a not so noticable spot.

Also, there are no more Fools Gold Peaks anymore. They sold out on their summer sale.

Awesome man! What job do you have?

I was thinking food. Shucks, I was wrong :-\

Congrats! Peaks are great! I’m jealous! :slight_smile:

Awewome! does yours have any vibe?

No vibe at all unless it throw bad or if the string is old.

To Chris, I work in Corning Inc. (More of an internship.)