
I forget about skyline 3 because it’s on that expensive enough range I rarely get any. It’s really nice too.


For me, it depends on the string. With Diamond Blend, high nylon content Zipline blends like Skyline III & Executive Class Lite and the 1+ year rated Markmont formulas, specifically Dragon/Draken and Night Moves, I can easily get at least the same amount of play as the equivalent money’s worth of bulk poly. Even without washing.

I don’t find that other boutique full poly blends have the same longevity advantage, even with washing.


Markmont released new 5 or 10 pcs trial packs.

I am thinking about pulling the trigger on those to be honest.

5-Pack No. 1 is where I started.

If somebody put a gun to my head and told me I could only buy string from one maker, it would be a really easy decision…YYSL all day. And it wouldn’t upset me at all. They are really good and have a variety to cover anything most people would ever need.

That said, I love to buy from Zipline from time to time for fun. They are an amazing company with amazing products.


Zipline smoothie strings have been my go to for years now.