goods and bads

what are the goods and bad for “all plastic” yoyos

what are the goods and bads with “plastic with/and metal” yoyos

what are the goods and bads for “all metal” yoyos

this is just help with yoyo player that think expensive yoyos are better

Um ooh ah…

I don’t like plastic, now deletion is a different story. You can get cheap metals. And expensive plastics.

Really it’s the gap that makes the difference. A larger gap means more string layers. More layers means more advanced tricks.

The secret is though is the player. That makes all the difference. I can do pretty advanced stuff with a butterfly I never thought I could a year ago.

All Plastics: Not all that Great in my Opinion. But Some play okay. Iv never tried Derlin Plastic, but I heard Derlin Plastics play better then all metal yoyos.
Plastic and Matal Yoyos: They are Really Popular. Not all that great in my Opinion. I Like Plastic with Metal Weight Rims, but Plastic with Metal Rims aren’t that great.
All Metal Yoyos: Usually Awesome. Some Amazing Ones are: RockStar, Primo, Punchline, Hatrick, SuperNova, Sasquatch, and Gnarwhal. :wink:
-Cody Wright

Plastics are great yoyos.
Plastics with metal…great yoyos.
Metals…Great yoyos.

What you like all comes down to preference, there are no real goods or bads when it comes to plastic versus metal, its all what you like.

I prefer plastics, but metals are fine to.

it is easier to do grinds on most metals, though you can do grinds on plastics as well

personally, my favorite throws are all plastic, though I’ve only thrown one full metal

like Griffsnog said, it really doesn’t make a difference

I say: don’t buy a yo-yo based on the idea that metals or plastics are better, look at shapes and sizes you think you will like, try several things out. In the end it’s all opinion. Some players prefer on or the other and some don’t really have an opinion. For example: Jensen won this last worlds with an all plastic.

One difference you may notice is that plastics and hybrids can crack if exposed to extreme hot/cold, while metal will remain more or less the same.

Metals are usually smooth throughout the yoyo’s surface
plastics can have a flat spot at the site where plastic was injected into the mold, during its creation

Metals cannot glow in the dark (in most cases), while plastics can.

If you scratch a metal, the color will go away
The plastics are often colored all the way through

I’ve never seen my string change color on a metal
plastics may change the color of your string

Plastics are easier to mod and reshape

In my opinion (may not always be true), metal seems quieter than plastic.

Plastic can store and discharge static electricity.

Also, metals usually have much less vibe than plastics, as the density of the metal is more consistent throughout the whole yoyo, as compared to plastics.

It should be noted that most of the arguments for metals and against plastics isn’t really for/against that material, but is an argument for/against the way the yo-yo was made. In most cases, the way the yo-yo was made, either by machining or injection molding, is much more important than the material used, metal or plastic.

Isnt that one of tr major pros for delerin?
That it is machined on a lathe like aluminum not molded.
