I went to a Bat Mitzvah last night. I decided to travel with my Masamini, since it’s such a capable yoyo in such a small package.
Well, it must have fallen out of my pocket at some point, and seems to be lost to me for good. 
I just hope some kid ended up with it, who will figure out how to enjoy it. That’s probably a long shot, though…
Oh well @NeoHamster, I really enjoyed your mini creation while I had it! Maybe I’ll get another one someday.
Not yoyo related (but my yoyo did survive), but I lost my car keys on a roller coaster last week. Had my keys hooked by a carabiner and have been on this same coaster 60+times with no issues/failure until that evening. My phone, wallet, and GenXs stayed put in my pocket while I was subject to crazy negative g-forces and my keys were launched off somewhere nowhere to be seen.
Sucks about losing an expensive, not easily available yoyo…
I lost my phone out of my pocket years ago on a ride called the Wicked Twister at Cedar Point. After looking around by the ride and not seeing it, I started to look out on the beach.
I had one of those Casio military phones that were supposed to be super rugged (and free lol). I ended up finding my phone out on the beach, with the battery partially popped out, sand in that opening, and the phone was still on.
As a side note, this same phone also survived being thrown at a brick wall. Man, I kinda miss flip phones lol.
Speaking of CP… Saw this last July when riding the crazy Steel Vengeance 
I went last summer (I’m from relatively close, just a couple hours away) for the first time in probably 5 years. A lot of rides used to have boxes you could put your stuff in while you rode, but they had been gradually removing them all due to problems with theft apparently.
I uhh lost a pair of glasses on a ride on a school trip. Being blind for a couple of days was fun…
Those glasses probably would have stayed on my face if I had left them there rather than putting them into my flimsy pockets.
The gods have heard your plea!
Masamini 2.0 coming this fall!!