Good to be back

It’s been a while since I have yoyoed and a lots changed on yo-yo expert forums the reason I haven’t been on yoyo expert is cause I have been so busy with school and trying to graduate at 15 years of age and I haven’t learned any new tricks in like 6 months haven’t really gotten any new yoyos but plan to get the yoyo factory Marco because I love the horizon and I love really wide yoyos the yyf factory Marco is probably gonna be my favorite yoyo I’m glad to be back on the forums and I’ve been missing being part of the yo-yo community id love your opinions on the yyf factory Marco now I’m just another kid in the yo-yo community but its great to be back thank you Andre Boulay for making such a good forum and the yoyo expert community for being so awesome.


Welcome back to activity again bro!

thank you i appreciate that

Well Evan Nagao himself said the Marco was his 2nd favorite throw after his signature Edge… so I think you will like it!

good to know