Good string for offstring?

I just got my first offstring and have been using ammo because that’s what I use for all my 1a and 5a. The problem is it seems a bit thick and sometimes the Yoyo seems to stick on the string

I use 50/50

But kitty normal or 1.5 should work good.

And what’s your 4a yoyo.

I’ve always just use regular poly strings since the seem to last the longest.
When you say it “sticks” do you mean like after you bind it snags up?

I used to use ammo for offstring and it did snag alot but when the response pads where really worn down it binded amazingly

I’m using a YYF flight and after binding it seems like the string snags while throwing sometimes and comes crashing back to my hand

Shorten the string a bit and adjust your bind closer to the tip of the string (leave less slack when binding).

The YYF poly that came with my Flight works well, actually, but my friend who has placed in 4a at Texas states says he prefers full length fat kitty or 1.5

I’m not good enough for it to make a difference yet, lol, so I just use the YYF strings I got in a bundle once, and they do fine, just a little short for some of the more complicated stuff maybe, I wouldn’t really know.