Good movies for a car ride

So Im going on a 8 hour car ride to mexico in 2 days and I’d like to know some reccomendations for movies to watch. Tv shows also work.
Currently I have:
Iron man 3
The mentalist season 5

They must be PG-13 or below, and Im open to anything.
I like comedy, adventure, etc.

Pacific rim,inception,white chicks, idk haha

HUNGER GAMES ALL THE WAY!! Unless. of course, you have a bunch of kids under the age of 13 in your family.

This kind of depends on your family now that I think about it.

If you would like a good family movie, get a Gilligan’s Island Movie. It has 30 minute episodes from the real show. They are hilarious if you haven’t every seen any.

Hope this helps,

It’s not for my family xD
I’m 13 myself and my parents wouldn’t be happy if I watched rated R movies. I was thinking of the hunger games since I saw catching fire and kinda need a refresher xD

if you can grown ups 2 is really funny
along with other movies all pixar movies are great you wont be disappointed by any of them.
also there are some other great movies on DVD right now although i cant remember them off the top of my heads :-\

Barney’s egg
Elmo in grounchland

psych, both despicable mes,the first pirates of the caribean was really funny but thats old now,The avengers was good also

You could probably watch the majority of Sherlock maybe all of it. It’s my all time favorite show.

I forgot to mention dark night rises, vest movie EVA

Wolf Children
Summer Wars
Flash Point paradox
Batman under the Red hood
The Truman Show
Stranger than Fiction

Sorry double post

Wild Hogs, college road trip, (I would say Faster but it’s R) taken and taken 2, Hunger Games, Rocky, any of the X-Men movies, Wreck it Ralph, leather heads, Red, Knight and Day, and Here comes the boom are all great for road trips in my opinion .

Princess bride.
'Nuff said.

Watch whatever you want. Burn through your data plan and stream Netflix to your phone.

When I do the 8 hour drive to Disneyland, the kids, by their own choice, end up wanting to watch Disney movies. I’m either driving or up front, so no movies for me.

I am upgrading the car to have an entertainment system put in rather than use the little portable LCD DVD player.

How can grown ups 2 even be PG-13…

R rated IMO.

I was SOOO surprised I got to watch some of it…