Good in their Eyes, But not Yours

Hey, I have been wondering. Have any of you been yo-yoing out in public or school and someone was amazed at your yo-yoing? They would go up to you and ask if you were a professional or competed in contests. :wink: ( yeah right) They would also ask some questions about yo-yoing in general. Now that is pretty cool, but here is the problem. They think you are the best yo-yoer ever, but you know you aren’t even remotely that good. :-\ This has happened to me a couple of times, but i want to know if it has happened to you. You can tell about a specific situation when it has happened, too.

ya thats happened to me to i just go “yeah right they would kill me in a contest”

I just say I’m better than some and that I’ve been to one contest and got 3rd…out of two people. Not really, but it makes them laugh. Ha.

I used to feel like that, but recently, I found out I was a little better than I thought I was. So what the best thing to do is practice, so you can feel like you deserve the praise you get.

This happens to me a lot. Especially in school. Like when I do a simple Double-or-Nothing they are all like, Oh damn.

Yeah. When I am in school during recess (i go to a private school) i always yo-yo (or mess around with my diabolo). Anyways my classmates were amazed for the first month or so and when i learned a new trick (Their jaws dropped when i did my first plastic whip and kwijibo ;D) But now everyone has gotten used to it. Personally I like it better when everyone isn’t crowded around me and breathing down my neck. :wink: I can concentrate on my trick(s) i am learning instead of taking requests for the same tricks over and over again. :stuck_out_tongue:

I start at really easy tricks (trapeze with a ferris wheel dismount, etc) and gradually go harder. Because they always think “How in the blazes will he top Buddha’s Revenge???” Tadaaa…

i get a lot of looks at school, people ask if i’ve been to contest and how long i’ve been doing it, most people are nice about it and just curious as to why it spins for so long, i usually don’t mind the attention because i’m used to it now but before i would prefer to just be left alone to practice my tricks
and surprisingly enough out of all the people that have seen me throw only about 2 people have asked me to walk the dog, but i show them an arm grind instead. its funny how some ppl won’t approach me directly about it but i can hear them talking about it to their friends and just saying omg its still spinning lol

I get that all the time also. I take it as a compliment say thanks and let them be on their way. In my mind I know I’m not the best player out there, and I know these people will never see Yuuki, Paul Han and Yath, Miggy, Augie or even a competion I’m probabily the best they will ever see. I say Thank You and thats that.

Yeah. Most of the people who come up to me directly are nice. Others just watch at a distance and compliment , but i can still hear them. :wink:

Happens to me nearly everytime I yoyo in public. I normally just answer whatever questions they have. Most the time, they’re so interested in it because they’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like watching someone solve a Rubiks Cube in 30 seconds with one hand… people don’t see that happen very often so it amazes them.

People tell me that I am amazing at yoyoing all the time, and all I do is a barrel rolls combo that most anyone can do with a little practice. Many times people asked me how good I was, I told them I was O.K. and many people were better than me. People tell me all the time that I am amazing at yoyoing. Personally, My most advanced trick is lacerations :stuck_out_tongue:

same. sorta. I do stuff like boing-e-boing and slacks in public. You just do a revoloution(sp?_) and they will ask if your yoyo is for pro’s and ill just reply “matters whos using it” I’ll flash some arm grind whips and they’ll say im good. I’m a promoter, i dont want to be one of the few. Hope it becomes as popular as it was.

The thing is every one in my school thinks I am the “yoyo king” I do a spirit bomb they think it’s crap I do walk the dog and they think I am awesome(even though i’m not :’()so if you are only capible of beginner tricks you are held in high regard which kinda stinks because I can do a TON better tricks than that and they think it’s crap. so at the end of the day you win and you lose. :-\

I was yoyoing in a place one time (a kid I knew was standing by me). The person watching asked what kind of yoyo I was using. The kid by me responds by saying “He’s using a trick yoyo” And he told that to like 12 people XD I love it when people that know nothing about the yoyos always feel a need to answer to feel smart.

Anyone else ever get smart responses out of people when someone asks a question?

Think about it like this:
Regardless of whether you’re a champion, you’re still better than 99.9% of people who’ve ever picked up a yoyo.
SO, in the eyes of 99.9% of the world, you are that good. :slight_smile:

What do you mean by smart? I’ve had a few old guys talk about the Duncan yoyos they had…

yeah i was yoyoing at this resturant, and as we left there was some painter who saw me yoyoing, and was sponsored by duncan and went touring around. welll a long time ago… but it still was pretty cool and he knew alot of yoyo material so i knew he want lying

:lifes like a garage sale, ya never know what you are going to find

this happens at least once a weak to me. -dude you must be like world champ or something?!?!?!
–not even close

i did split the atom . looked up five people, did it again, looked up ten people all i heard was “walk the dog” and “yeah yeah” i felt like a master then i messed up but the yoyo still returned to my hand. they said that was cool do it again . i almost laughed mty head off. haha