Is there any interest in
one drop Sovereign? (titanium)
3YO3 Bass line
Genyo Ethenos custom swirl paint
Genyo Majesty with Ernie’s dads hand made wood box
Genyo Magnum with “^” box
one drop Wooly Markmont
one drop 54
Have many others from the same period around 2010 will get pictures for reference. Onedrop, Spyy, gen yo, CLYW as well as side effects.
I really enjoyed the boutique yo’s when they came out. All are close to perfect if not perfect.
Barely even pulled them out the past 4 years or so.
Sorry the aurora is not for sale.
Wow looks like a ton of interest. Thanks everyone. Life is super busy for me right now so please be patient with me.
I will get some pictures up and pricing but it’ll take me a couple days.
I will give priority to those who contacted me in order.
That name sounds familiar?
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Please be patient with me everyone. I have received over 20 pm and e-mails.
I even forgot the names of some of these excellent rare yoyo’s until I looked again.
I will gather up what I have and decide what goes. I will post up some pictures as well. I plan on keeping quite a few at least and many are even more rare than you can imagine. Ernie set me up many times and I kept hounding till I found some of the ones I snagged. Its a shame I have not had the time to play with them as much as I like so that is why I figure I’ll let some go.
very few have any marks/ damage on them, also I really liked the 10 ball and many if not all have that to make them as silent as possible.
SO please be patent. I have a bunch of stuff going on. A service I will be attending this weekend and next.
Anyone in the bay area wasn’t to head to Santa Cruz can see them in person.
Yeah these sound amazing can you post some pics?
Some famous ones in there… I know the sovereign sells instantly whenever it comes up on the Reddit b/s/t .
Take your time. I’d sure love to snag that Magnum off you at the minimum
I’d pay well for it too.
My timing is terrible and I apologize for that. I posted this and they they updated the forum and that took me a another day to find the links for how to get back on.
I used to browse and post in the One drop forum years ago and lurk waiting for the splash and styles I liked back in the day.
I and not very good as in I don’t know a ton of tricks, but I love a smooth yoyo. For that reason I put mostly od 10 balls in many till they spun smooth and quiet. I know you die hard Gen Yo folks may not agree, but many if not all have not been played enough to break in the bearings. I used a combo of the OD an yoyo jam silicone and air to get unresponsive and quiet.
Additionally I would not play on concrete and only one or two have marks mostly the ones I bought used.
My magnum is pretty much dent/scratch free as well as my sovereign. Ernie got a hold of me shortly after I bought the magnum and sent me the desiccant bags that reside in the box his late father made.
Pulling this collection out of the closet brought back many memories.
Over the past couple of years I’ve only thrown a few.
I don’t need to sell any and seeing the condition of them makes me think I don’t want to be a ■■■■, but I will sell at the list price of what I paid.
There are no looser yo’s in my collection.
I want to be fair to all and after seeing the response I know some will get mad for not snagging what they are asking for.
First dibs will go to the first pm/emails is the only fair way I see.
I am in the middle of try to do a couple of deals. Also leaving for a long weekend, and trying to run an auto repair business at the same time and have 2 kids… Did I say I was busy?
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That being said I was slammed at work today, but figured I would post my collection.
I have an idea what ones will go and what will stay.
SO please hold off till I do that. I ran out of time today.
I’m not trying to create a bidding war so please lets not go there.
I was not trying to ruffle anyone’s feathers. I had no idea the oldies are still the goodies, I just knew I had some killer throws.
Oh yeah one question was does it come with the original box and that answer is mostly yes! (for most) many OD had just a OD box.
IT appears I’ve been away far too long.
My timing of posting this and then the forum update that took days for me to get back to be able to post.
In addition trying to put together a real estate deal or 3. Banks, escrow, realtors
I’ve pulled out most of my yoyo’s one at a time and played them. learned a few new moves. I still suck. Buy I’m figuring out what ones I like and don’t like. some I like, but I can/ will part with.
However I don’t want to upset anyone who has replied.
I have been overwhelmed at the response and it appears a couple are wanted more than others.
I even ended up buying a gen 2 mini after all this. so some will need to go.
So I am going to close this thread and start a new one with one at a time so I can keep track. I am sorry I just want to be straight with everyone, and my timing to start this was terrible for my current situation.
No worries, I’ll close it for you, feel free to start a new one.