God Tricks Freedom

With the coming of this throw, it is safe to say I am a completely different man. This yoyo is amazing, and let me tell you why!

Upon Unboxing:
Okay, so if you have never bought a God Tricks yoyo, I have to tell you, that the boxes are really great! It’s shaped so half of the yoyo is sticking out, and the black background color really makes the gold lettering pop. I was surprised that for such a cheap yoyo,they would make such an incredible looking box. Actually taking apart the box was sorta difficult, but eventually I got impatient and just ripped it entirely open. I expected a small yoyo, since it was advertised as an undersized yoyo, but this thing is pretty small. This is a subjective opinion, I’ve only ever owned a full size throw.

First Impression:
This thing feels nice. I didn’t know if this was an ano or a bead blast, but dog gone it it feels smooth. The yoyo looks sharp, but it’s actually rounded off a lot, so it looks like a weapon, but feels absolutely great in the hand. It came with a string, I didn’t bother to try it and just put on some other one. Holding it I expected a light little thing, but it actually holds its own. I love the design of the throw, like honestly it’s so good looking, I really like the word “FREEDOM” that is engraved on the rims. It almost looks like racecar stripes. On the inner rim it has God Tricks FREEDOM engraved along with their website, and a little outer rimming part that looks actually kinda cool.

On First Throw:
This thing looks absolutely mesmerizing on the string, the engravings look like waves on the blue yoyo. Despite it’s small size this yoyo can handle, I know it’s an undersized yoyo, but for being my first, I was actually surprised, I finally understood why people would choose this over a full sized throw. It had a really good sleeping time, and was relatively quiet, I just didn’t like the tilt it would get when it was close to spinning out, so I just switched the bearing out for a centre trac I had laying around, and I can say that it helped a lot. The yoyo sleeps longer, and it’s tilt is gone. Also, it’s really snappy with response, and binds quite nicely, I love it.

After Some Time:
It’s safe to say, I actually like undersized throws, and thanks to this little diddy, I think I might actually get other undersized yoyos. This yoyo plays fast, and slow, but it seems to want to go fast a little more. It’s SUPER comfortable in the hand, and it’s rounded off edges don’t hurt nearly as much as I had originally thought. I can say this baby plays extremely well, and I implore you to buy it if you have the cash. It’s actually a really cheap yoyo, and for what you’re getting, it sure is worth every penny.

Final Verdict:
This yoyo is delicious, it’s fun to play, it follows your order, on the string it feels great, and even grinds kinda well. Despite the tiny price tag, everything about this yoyo screams high end, from the IRG inner rim, to the extremely night weighted rims. I have two gripes with this throw though. The axle, is unbelievably small, and it will fall out when you unscrew the yoyo, this doesn’t affect the play at all, since the bearing sleeps on what seems to be two bearing seats. The second would have to be the grinding department, although it grinds okay, I expected at least five seconds, but you can get 3 before it starts to tilt. Thumb grinds though are great with this thing. I REALLY endorse this yoyo fully, and if you have the money laying around and are looking for an undersized throw, you need to get this. It’s changed me forever!

Another god tricks I fell in love with is the bounty hunter. It is over sized but has such a strong spin I understand why it is named bounty hunter cause it hunts down and annihilates all my tricks!