Go West Style!

You can do barrel rolls with both hands in this style! Like, left hand under, right hand under. Leg orbits are possible. Lots of other offstring stuff too! And, there’s this other really cool heart trick! Ummm, I’ll put a video up.

I just got all of those! The heart is just a gt from the loop mount thing

The triangle mount?

Is the triangle mount just a big loop? If so, yes. Do u skype? I think that were about the same age… Im 12…

I dont understand right hand orbits ???

Try sumo with an offstring yoyo

What do you mean? Like, a Hayabusa? I use a slightly responsive velocity, but I don’t really have any alternatives.

Alright, so I finally got some time to get on my computer in order to address this a little more thoroughly so that you can get your facts straight among the matters of the GoWest/Sumo style of play. Please take my words carefullly as I am merely trying to help and inform you and in no way putting you down or being negative.

Its always hard to try and talk about alt. styles. I had major heat from the yoyo community when I tried to push Moebius back in 2007 to 2009. It generally became a little more accepted among people and finally has reached a status where the tutorials are being found and now here on Yoyoexpert.

  1. First- Sumo and GoWest are NOT famous. Absolutely not. Barely any yoyoer in the scene today has ever heard of it unless they go on Yoyowiki. It had a short tiny run between 2002-2004 When Doctor Popular developed. the “Sumo” concept and Kenji Nishi developed the “GoWest” concept.

Both styles were made roughly around the same time, and due to the differing nationalities, the Docpop did not know about Gowest until after he started fiddling with Sumo, and viceversa. The internet was not as fast or as connected as it is today.

I wish the styles were/are famous. Alternative styles of play are amazing and yield interesting results.

  1. Yoyowiki is NOT the best source of information, although it seems its the only source of information. The parts about Go-west and Sumo where It was ME that was editing the styles of play page in order to get information correct. I had looked long and hard over older based yoyo forums like theyo, extremespin, yoyoing.com, daveskill toy. It took me quite a bit of time to compile through so many posts in order to get the loose information I could find.

When I edited the page, I put the wrong information on Yoyowiki, so that is my fault for why you are saying you are doing Sumo when infact you are doing Gowest, assisted with a swivel.

To prove my point, this is the last link left I could find about alternative styles of yoyoing, and confirms what I am saying about Go-west/Sumo as well as other styles.


“Go-west, the loop is tied to your finger, in sumo your finger just sits in the giant loop” -Docpop
Quoted from him.

As you can see, DocPop confirms the difference. When I had typed out the information, I was confused about which style was what, as this has always been a confusing situation with the styles. It was confusing back then, seems it is confusing today.

So, with Sumo the string is completely unwound and tied in a tiny knot and you put your finger in the loop. Go-west the string is completely unwound up until the slipknot and you wear the fingerloop on your finger. With Sumo you are able to do no-handed like tricks while with Go-west you are not- ala to like its brother style Moebius.

I shall correct the information on Yoyowiki when I get the time to do so.

*Mods- please do not edit the link out as this is merely showing of history/information, NOT suggesting about going to a different store.

  1. Just like I suggested to another person that was experimenting with a alternative style, YOU should consider SHORTENING your string in order to visually express it in a better manner. Docpop however did call it “super moebius” due to the rather huge string loop. He was always experimenting with things. If you shorten your string, you will have better control with the 4a qualities of it. Should consider shortening it at least a quarter of the length.

  2. Major kudos/respect for suggesting about the idea of using a swivel. This can definitely help out with handling it better so the strings do not spagetti up as much. This would apply to Go-west more so than Sumo.

  3. When it comes to any Alt. style, in order for any other yoyoer to respect/decide to try it out, you need to make the style look better via pushing the innovation of it. Start to critically brainstorm new fresh ideas with it or else no one will even consider trying it. I say this because I know this directly. The community is very fickle over ideas that are not status quo/mainstream.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7bFnQaHfXw
    You can clearly see he has a slipknot/fingerloop on his middle finger.
    I was only able to find TWO VIDEOS out of like 12 years of yoyoing on the internet. This was from a video back in 2001.

This is about all I can say. I hope this helps you. Please continue to experiment and play with this style as no one else is out there. You never know, you may just become the master of it.



WHAT!!! I WAS WRONG??? B-b-b-but… Sumo sounds cooler than Go West… And the website had this cool logo and everything… Man…

But, now I have to fix my website!

Oh, wait, my phone glitched, ignore the above comment.

Oh, and Zammy, you seem to know quite a bit about slave style. Would you mind putting a bit about it on yoyowiki? I’m rather interested in this style. Some people might also like some info on Hidden Eel, too. I’ve tried it, it was meh, but some people have never even heard of it, which I don’t like.

Everyone knows hidden eel!

Yeah, you would think that, but I’ve made references to it before and no one knew what I was talking about.

Only those that seem to post on Yoyoexpert.

Anyways yes Kangaroo you were, but that was because I was the one that put the information wrong and never got around to updateing it. I’m sorry you had to get around and fix your website. I apologize.

And I don’t know that much, I just remember the name of it being called “Slave style”. I barely know any tricks with it. Alot of the alt style names clicked in my head though. And sure, I’ll see if I can get around to updating the wiki.

I wish I could get into hidden eel stuff, never tampered with string with a swivel.

I’ve actually been trying some slave style, but I know no 3A so I have no idea what I am doing.

Hahaha, my websites on the Internet, but its not www. So you can’t search it. You need the URL, but I won’t say what it is yet, since its not done, yet. It will be soon, though, I hope, maybe.

Do you think you might be able to add better pictures? I’d love to try this, but I can’t seem to understand what you’re trying to illustrate with the pictures you have up.

Really? I just lost my string… SO I’ME MAKING A VIDEO? I THINK I AM! {GWROWLOWOW}
