Do you have a song that just seems to go with your style? Never too fast or too slow, that perfect beat that you could put on repeat and it’d never get old? And not just for yoyoing but for kendama, cubing, gaming, homework, or life in general too.
Though it changes day to day the one I always come back to is “Little Busters” by The Pillows
I don’t have a Go-To song, because I want to be able to yoyo differently each time. If I yoyoed to the same music, I would just end up doing the same thing each time, and that’s not my style.
I don’t know i always listen to songs that i think would be perfect to throw to, but once i start, the tempo messes up my pacing, even though ive done my tricks faster than the song requires
Tiesto - Knock You Out (Owen Westlake Remix)
Krewella - Killin’ It (either chuckie, killagraham, or stratus remixes)
Lana Del Ray - Young and Beautiful (either OG or Cedric Gervais Remix)
Lindsey Striling and some KPOP
Slow & Low - Beastie Boys
She’s Crafty - Beastie Boys
Death Or Glory - The Clash
Lie - Dream Theater
Put On - Young Jeezy (feat. Kanye)
Power - Kanye West